Champs League is Full - Good Luck Fellas!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:29 am


the biggest weakness of your team is not its budget, but its name!!!

After having offering some of the best work from e.e.cummings and verlaine, you opt for this babblish $%?/?&*SWPwhatever typos??? What is this? Some ecletic poem from trekkies?

Don't be surprised to see your team uninspired.
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Postby cummings2 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:42 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:

1^4*D SWP-BM&S18 = One For The Southwestpsychic - Bigmahon and Stoney18


3 super cool guys I'd like to have around in the dugout during the finals :wink:
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Feb 03, 2007 2:09 am

After examining with greater care, I'll change my divisional ordering of the East for:



I think that Bombers will lose too many games inside his division after all.

I know you had seasons with 90+ win with teams that were carbon copy of the one you're trying for the Finals, but I think your teams back then had a much better stadium fitting your roster than AmeriQuest, had slightly better defense, an asset still underrated, and I think that, Bombers aside, you'll see opposing teams making more adjustments that what you have witness in the past. I could easily see a 10 win drop from what you got of the same carbon-copy teams. That said, I see your team fighting for the top of your division, perhaps making the wild card. But, hey that's only my two cents!!! :wink:

As for your predictions, I'll say this: I am quite confident that my good friend spicki heading the "numero tres" will NOT end up last. His pitching squad is virtually replicating the pitching structure of the most dominant 80M team that I have observed in the Tour this season (1000 runs produced, 700 runs against), a team that his bro ck was managing, and frankly, I don't see any reason why he can't reproduce the miracle pitching that his bro was able to achieve. Spicki's team offense is also quite similar to the one his bro used for that team (it was a Coors team). I am hoping to exploit some of the weakness spicki's roster is offering, but frankly it will be tough to outplay his team.
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Postby spicki17 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:15 am

lucky - do you mean that my staff mimicks my bro's event 7 team or my event 4 team? please dont make it out like im copying someone elses style. im hoping that isnt what you are saying, but it kinda reads like that to me. and just for the record, my event 4 team was much more dominant than his event 7 team! :D

onto the predictions:


1 - odie
2 - stevep
3 - bombers
4 - maligned

this division is very difficult to call. i honestly could see any of the 4 teams walking away with division crown. i think odie can pull it out if he can overcome his poor choice of ballparks.


1 - mcsoupy
2 - cminton
3 - qksilver
4 - cummings

IMO, unless some teams start focuing on exploiting mcsoupys weaknesses (which they arent all right now), then mcsoupy walks away with this one.


as lucky did, i will refrain from ranking my own division. i will say that IMO the west is by far the strongest division. i think myself, lucky, and kaviksdad have 3 of the top 5 teams in league and sknsfan isnt far behind. i do agree that the wildcard will not come out this division, since i dont know that anyone will finish with over 85-86 wins.

good luck to all!
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:43 am

well, i think it,s just clever to try to replicate what works in the past, just about everyone here, including me, try to replicate succesful stories...but I do not suggest that you can't figure out what is a good team by your own, if that refers to the "mimicking" part...
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Postby cummings2 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 1:24 pm

BTW and for FWIW, I've looked at all teams a bit more closely to. They ALL look fine. Only bit I disagree with is with picking a run away team. -Of course my own team might runaway backwards and finish dead last but ya'lls teams look mighty fine and health to me.
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Feb 03, 2007 6:48 pm

Okay, I changed my mind once again :P :P :P Cummings does have a better team, on second looks.


1-mcsoupy (I assume here that most of his 3M is spent on another catcher)

West (ah! what the heck!)
2-marcus wilby ---> Wild card :P
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Postby stevep107 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 7:04 pm

Here is another prediction, based solely on performance thusfar during the 2006 season.

Arguably, one of the best measures of a manager's performance is his winning percentage. If you believe that past performance is any indication of future performance, then here is a prediction based on winning percentages to date in the 2006 game:

stevep107 - .551
maligned - .540
odieworks - .532
LMBombers - .515

mcsoupy - .543
qksilver - .541 (wildcard - by a nose)
cminton - .530
cummings2 - .512

marcus wilby - .532
sknsfan - .531
spicki - .528
kaviksdad - .489

More food for thought... :)
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:08 pm

Strongly disagree with this kind of ratings that include "non-Tour season". I had lots of free credits, and therefore I tried many "concept" teams outside the Tour, a few of which failed to win 70 games. Also, I have played the beta version of the game (like some others here), and the winning percentage incorporates those seasons played there. In one beta season, I had four teams in the same division. Needless to say, one of those finish fourth!!! Others (qksilver, kaviksdad, bombers come to mind) are part of special events whose rules are totally different than those established in during the tour.

You should use the winning percentage within the Tour, if you are to consider that measure...
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Postby cummings2 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:44 pm

I'm with marcus on that one... after spending a gillilion teams parked behind the likes of Jeepdriver, Stoney, Robvoz, AT, Qk, Sandlot, bigmahon, etc... I'm quite proud of my .512 win pct :D

...only recently did I venture into my first autoleague of '06. Some really good teams and managers to be absolutely sure...but I hadn't seen so much FA activity after the season begins in a looooooong time. I'm not saying that private leagues are better but I do think the parity is a bit more constant there than in autoleagues and tougher to get a 95-100 win team to help boost those Win Pctgs.

...Just my .02
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