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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:13 pm

BTW, cummings, I bought recently ee cummings 100 poems, got it one or two weeks ago. Bought it mostly based on his reputation, and also because I loved the few poems of him found in my American poetry anthology. I read a few poems so far. Very original and ironic, as many have repeated. I am surprised though to notice so much feelings in his work; I wasn't expecting it. I find that his work evokes romanticism, although it has adopted a modern syntax. Which leads to my question: I struggle ---like many I guess---to penetrate the depth of his distorted syntax, and I am certain that I do not appreciate the subtlety of his writing. Are there any website or books that you would recommend for helping me appreciate cummings better?
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Postby spicki17 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:38 pm

luckyman, is your last post a joke? this isnt a women's hotline, its a fantasy baseball messageboard. jesus.
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:47 pm

Well, I thought I had sent a private mail. When I realize my mistake, I said what-the-heck.

Be careful with your statement about culture, though. Knowing a bit of culture never killed someone. In fact, let me teach something, kiddie: Knowing a bit of culture is the easiest way to access to A LOT of women.... :wink:
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Feb 03, 2007 9:49 pm

Just to prove my point, see this:

(and click on play ad. don't worry, site is safe).
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Postby spicki17 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:31 pm

it doesnt make it any better that it was a private message!

i guess the porn site you posted does redeem you somewhat :)
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Postby cummings2 » Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:47 pm

Ah! the master eec. There is some debate whether or not his handwriting has been misread and that at one point he signed E.E.C. but... that's little trivia stuff comapred to the big picture.

You are absolutely right Marc his work's romance, longing and nostalgia hasn't quite been suficiently recognized, yet when one reads his work it [i:9bc9081d91]is[/i:9bc9081d91] very moving.

There are few good sources of eec studies. Even though his work has been analysed and counter-analyzed all the way from scholars to aficionados my personal opinion is that most of the intelligentsia on the subject obscures a lot of what you have found already in his work without shedding much light on anything else, for that is that I believe the best way of approaching eec (Mallarme, Pound, Huidobro et. al.) is to read with spacial awareness prior to reading any interpretaton of the text. The poems are meant to force the reader into reading and extracting from "the Code" a message that by the very form in which it was delivered it's both visual (spatial) and ephemeral (related to both individual and time)

[url=]This article[/url] found in the Modern American Poetry section hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is actually quite good in it's simple approach to eec while not becoming too ambitious and therefore either ambiguous or confusing. Instead it focuses it case of study on two poems, one of which, BTW is a favorite of mine. In general their section on Edward Estlin is quite good and several poems are "worked on": [url=]MAPS on UIUC[/url]

Book wise I think "The Magic maker" and "EEC the Art and his poetry" are the better ones. I have found much more "insight" from reading his little book called "i: six non-lectures"

The thing for me, is that ee was a master at bringing language to a crisis (along with Pound and Mallarme) in a line of poetics that has as a source Vicente Huidobro's "Altazor", at least this is what I've argued before and what no less than three Nobel prize winners have argued in various writings. However, one of the beauties of ee' work -as I see it- is that along with the usage of syntax and spacial manipulaton he is sufficiently sensitive and masterful of both painting and language where he restores language in a visual form that manifests once we decipher the code of his poems. This is where his genius is unmatched.

I think that in the book you got you find:

"Somewhere I have never traveled, gladly beyond any experience..."

-One of my many favorites of his.

Great stuff Marcus.

-BTW, that ad is a crackup :lol:
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:16 pm

Thanks cummings, the article you linked is exactly what I was looking for. Good point about insisting on the visual form of the poem; I insisted too much in analyzing the syntax, and never thought about looking the form itself. Will have to look the poems back again. Will probably look for his "non-lectures".

Nicely done. :D
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Postby stevep107 » Sun Feb 04, 2007 12:54 am

[quote:4444abaf22]Strongly disagree with this kind of ratings that include "non-Tour season". [/quote:4444abaf22]

Marcus and C2 - I take your point. There is no question that the winning percentage of managers who played against tougher opposition would be lower than those who played lots of autoleagues. Pretty hard to quantify that though.

I also did a fair bit of experimentation throughout the season before arriving at a certain stadium/player combination that I felt was close to optimal. So, I could also argue that my winning percentage would be higher too if I had not done this type of experimentation.

As far as taking the winning percentages from the tour, I agree this would be an interesting exercise. But then you could argue that some players faced tougher competition in some leagues than others. You'd have to weight the competing 12 teams in each league somehow. It could take a very long time to get a reasonably unbiased assessment. The debate could go on and on.

I guess we'll just have to wait to see how everyone's teams perform in this league.

I'm beginning to think that maybe my prediction that my team would win 90+ games was a tad optimistic... :)

Still, I will be absolutely astonished if my team finishes the season with 81 wins or less.
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:21 am

Hey hey, starting to doubt is never a good feeling... :wink:

Once the season starts, I'll tell you what I think is definitively wrong with your team---perhaps you can guess anyway---and we'll see how things turn out.
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Postby stevep107 » Sun Feb 04, 2007 6:54 am

[quote:d7ffc707af]Once the season starts, I'll tell you what I think is definitively wrong with your team---perhaps you can guess anyway---and we'll see how things turn out.[/quote:d7ffc707af]

OK, Marcus, it's a deal. And once the season starts, I'll tell you what's wrong with your team too! :wink:
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