Linebrink to mop-up

Linebrink to mop-up

Postby Detroit-Tigers » Mon Feb 05, 2007 9:45 am

For some reason Hal only brings Linebrink to mop-up. Is it because he is the only R2?

I have Jones set to set-up/close, Mercker set to mop-up, but Hal will only bring in Linebrink when the team is losing.....
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Postby visick » Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:47 am

1. What are your managerial/individual player settings?

2. With your record...why complain right now? Things are going well...
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Postby worrierking » Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:57 am

I don't think this is all that unusual. You may also be thinking of a more broad use of the term "mop-up" than Hal does.

First, Hal uses relievers more when you are behind than when you are ahead. You have an excellent record, so your relief staff is not being used as frequently as it might otherwise be, and it seems that Linebrink has been underutilized. Sturtze has been used too much, perhaps. When your starter has a 10-4 lead, Hal is likely to leave him in. When Your starter gives up a couple of runs to put you behind 4-2, Hal tends to remove him. With Jones set as closer and set-up, he's the guy hal is using whenever you are ahead.

I think you believe it is a mop-up situation anytime you are behind. Hal thinks of a mop-up situation when the game is out of hand, and it would be best to let a lousy reliever takes a beating in a hopeless cause than to waste your good relievers. If you are down, 4-2, Linebrink can be extremely valuable in keeping you in a winnable game.

If it were me I might look to restrict Sturtze in some way that might get Linebrink in more frequently, otherwise, like Visick said, things are going well.
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:55 pm

socalchiro is Visik? cool.

I just wanted Linebrink to get a ton of innings- it was even worse before (he had something like 23 innings with Jones and the other 2 double that). I just noticed that EVERY time Linebrink is brought in I am losing, and when i was wining Hal brough in Sturtze and Jones.

No setting on anyone except Mercker who is Mop-up, and Maximize under closer usage.
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Postby visick » Mon Feb 05, 2007 4:24 pm

That's me... :D

I'd stand pat until things change.
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