Any Hope For This ???

Any Hope For This ???

Postby Leo / loob » Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:07 pm

Am unable to understand the reason this team is dead last in division and one of worst in league. My division mates all have neutral parks slanting towards hitters parks. If any strat gurus have a spare moment any lineup help or suggestions short of a nice grenade to destroy the whole thing ( which I came up with myself already ) would be greatly appreciated. I have been told it has just been bad rolls but this is my third league where I have been told bad rolls. Maybe if I go wash Bernies car for him I can talk him into getting my squads off the bad roll chart !!! :lol: :wink:
Thanks Guys !!! Loob
Leo / loob
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby cummings2 » Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:30 pm

I knew I'd seen this before, this is the same division with leehaak.

The team in 1st is a good friend of mine and I am sure she'd be quite upset if I started dropping notes on how to beat her (though I doubt she'd read these boards) but...I will say that I think her team in overperforming and its way too early to get all funky. 66 games into the season and only 8 games out. you have almost 100 games to catch her. You seem to have a good team, hard to tell about the stats because it looks as if you've had quite a good ammount of players traded, I don't think you've lost much salary s I'd imagine is just trades, but we'll see. You have a good team, you should be fine. IMHO.

Only note is: I did see Halladay, Felix, Clemens, Pettite (Kazmir -tough on your lefty team) & Dontrelle in your division. Looks like a tough one from that POV.

Good luck loob.

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Postby visick » Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:30 pm

I'm no guru but...

Rusch and Rodriguez should never leave the bench albeit see any mound time.

Ayala has 30 IP, that's way too much for a specialist.

You need to funnel all of the innings to Heilman then Gonzalez...your 2 best RP's. Sanchez/Ayala are righty specialists and Dingman is the lefty specialist (though he's got too many BPHR's for my liking).


Vs. RH's
Furcal (not ideal as a #2, you could also give Floyd a whirl here)
Floyd (unless you go with him in the 2 hole)

I'm confused...who is @ 1B?
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Postby geekor » Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:42 pm

I dont get your team honestly. I don't think it is very good IMO. I'm not sure what you did have before all the trades, but there are pieces I don't like (Peavy, Helling, No 1b, you middle infielders)

I completely disagree with Vis on how to do the batting order though. With what you currently have I would go:

vs r: Giles, Glaus, Ortiz, Griffey, Floyd, then whatever crap you have left because none fo them will do greadt vs R. Schneider probably 6,th followed by Lecroy, Perez then Fucal 9th.

vs L: Giles, Furcal (uhg), Ortiz, LeCroy, Griffey, Glaus, Floyd, Perez, Schnieder

Then again, take my opinion with a huge grain of salt as I've only played a lefty leaning stadium once (though did make the playoffs) in 06. This team just doesn't look good to me how I like to play. I would like to have a better closer, either way you need to define the roles in your bullpen better so those cheapies aren't eating so many innings.
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Postby Leo / loob » Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:21 am

Thanks for the comments guys. Another stellar night last night dropping all three ( shutout twice ) to a team thats big hitters are Carlos Lee and Soriano ( playing 2b ) in Petco. I think I am catching on to what works in this 06 version ( everything that isnt supposed to work :lol: )
Leo / loob
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:53 am

[quote:990714c6a3]You need to funnel all of the innings to Heilman then Gonzalez...your 2 best RP's. [/quote:990714c6a3]

How do you do this with the settings ... I mean, given a staff of 5 RPs ... how do you get these guys the most innings. I need help understanding the settings ... because I get guys that should get the ball ... well, they get the ball.

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