Hours after I figured out how to put an animation of "Muttley" that I had on my own Myspace page onto my TSN profile page, I had several emails asking me how I did it. I submit this as a FYI to the general TSN community. Here is a copy of the email response I sent:
No problem. Do a google search for Myspace Layout or pimp your page. Usually they will have animations. When you find one you like, there will be a spot where you can copy and paste the HTML code for it. (YouTube has the same thing for any of its videos but I thought that was a little much.) Now go to your "Edit my info" next to "my personal data" (this would be just above and to the right where you see Muttley on my page) and post the HTML code to the box that says "About me". I would suggest not putting any other info in that page but can be done. It just may be harder to disect the to later when you want to change it.
PS Of course putting something to big or lengthy my cause loading of you page to slow so I would watch that.