Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Wed Feb 07, 2007 5:05 pm

[quote:8802f8afee] [/quote:8802f8afee]

This sounds interesting. What exactly is it?


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Postby maligned » Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:28 pm

It's a site that allows you to do live drafts of the SOM players. Basically, you get each person in your league entered, the program shuffles the names to randomly choose a draft order, you set an amount of time you want to allow for each pick, and you run your draft.
Additionally, it allows each user to set lots of proxies (priority picks you want for a round you may not be at your computer). When your pick comes up, the computer automatically picks for you if you have proxies turned on. You're allowed to prioritize proxies based on group data or round data that you enter. For example, you can enter your next pick as being one of a group (Manny, Bay, or Winn). When your pick comes up, the highest priority from this group is selected, the group is erased from your proxies, and the next group you've entered becomes your next priority (maybe a Vizquel/Jeter/Jack Wilson group). If another one of your picks comes up, your first priority from that group would be automatically selected and so on..
With this system, drafts move very quickly. If people keep proxies up-to-date, you can set the clock for 2 hours per pick and generally finish an 18 or 20-round draft in less than a week.
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:35 am

Wow ... if I only knew about this when we were doing our live draft in the board game version. We would e-mail an Excel file around, and it took 3 weeks.

Anyway, can you set the proxy for more than 2 hours? When you say "set the proxy" for two hours ... is that two hours from when you check in? What happens overnight?

I'm sorry if my questions seem lame ... just trying to see if that is something I can use.


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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:08 am

The proxies just get set for whatever. The time limit for each pick can be set at 2 hours or any other time.
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:06 am

Is that like 2 hrs from when the previous pick is completed ... or two hours when you log into your account?

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Postby maligned » Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:38 am

Two hours from previous pick. But again, your league can decide on whatever system it wants. Here's an example scenario involving a 2-hour clock:

12pm: Owner A selects live
12:30pm: Owner B selects live
1:45pm: Owner C selects live
1:45pm: Owner D selects via proxy (his proxies were turned ON, so the computer immediately picks for him after the selection before his)
3pm: Owner E selects live
3pm: Owner F selects via proxy
3pm: Owner G selects via proxy
4:45pm: Owner H selects live
4:45pm: Owner I selects via proxy
Owner J is on the clock until 6:45pm

In this example, you can see that some owners were able to monitor the draft and made selections live within the 2-hour time limit. Others couldn't monitor the draft, so they turned on proxies. The computer automatically picked for them and draft just kept moving.

Again, this makes for a much smoother draft than using the discussion board.
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