Champs League is Full - Good Luck Fellas!

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby spicki17 » Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:58 am

great insight, lucky. i have a few comments, specific to our division (which i paid most attention to).

my team: more of a clarification, but the average ballpark in this league comes out to like a 9.5-9.5-10.5-10.5 for my team (keeping in mind the 81 games at home) maybe it will be affected on the road, but i still think that average ballpark rating is not that low.

your team: not sure how your team is suited well for playoffs. 3 * sp's arent well suited for playoffs. in fact, 3 * sp's are one of the worst pitching configurations for playoffs. 1 * sp is obviously the best, then 2 or 4 in my mind, then 3. i'd love to hear your argument on why this is a good rotation for playoffs.

kaviksdad's team: just an interesting said "weak defense in the corners (lf, 1b, 3b) will cost some games" -- i love this quote because i am HUGE proponent of stacking the corners with bad defense and i think this philosophy in a big park is genious. i think the positives you get out of the bigger bats far outweighs the defensively liability on the corners.

with all that being said, my team isnt doing so hot, so i guess its all for sh1t. :)
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:59 pm

re. top3 *SP getting in the playoffs.

If the first series start at MM, I can have Zambrano start two games at MM, and save Pedro and RJ (with their dingers on the right side on the card) at my place. If the series start at Ameriquest, against a team loaded of left-handed hitters, I can start with RJ with two games there, and save Pedro and Zambrano to my place (RJ has the best card of all three provided that he faces at least 5 or 6 left-handed bats) . Whatever the scenario, I have all three of them to pitch up to 86% of the final series starts (compared to 75% in the season, a 11% increase). These advantages are pretty impressive, in my opinion.

Considering that a #4 SP can pitch at most 2 games during the playoffs (for a contribution as low as 16%, compared to 25%), I can not see how you can seriously write: "in fact, 3 * sp's are one of the worst pitching configurations for playoffs."

This is not a critique of your own configuration. Going with the best #1SP in the playoffs is certainly a great asset, and your multiple non-SP can be switched around. What I go down to the numbers, I end up that both systems are fairly comparable, in terms of percentage gains.

That said, I prefer to get a 15% gain with an investment on 24M than a 15% gain on an investment on 18M.
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Postby cummings2 » Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:50 pm

... (PTI)
Last edited by cummings2 on Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby spicki17 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:50 am

[b:d81179a4e7]lucky[/b:d81179a4e7], i hear what you are saying, and i like having these conversations because i look at it in a completely different manner.

if you have 0 star sp's, then you get no advantage (obviously).
if you have 4 star sp's (all relatively the same price), then you get no advantage.
if you have 1 star sp, i see the most advantage, because you can still have a powerful offensive team, the advantage you get from that 1 sp is huge (granted he only pitches 2 games in the first round and 4 total).

onto your case. if you have 3 star sp's (all relatively the same size/price). i agree that you get a high amount of starts out of them. in fact, i will admit, i didnt realize it was that high. but, the way i look at it is that you dont get a huge advantage in having them. what do i mean by that? well i mean if you have 1 huge sp then you have much more money spent on batters (hitting and defense) and thus a much better shot in winning (assuming you spend that money correctly). the advantage you have with 3 star sp's is negligible...very, very small. its almost the same as having 4 star sp's. in fact, i would argue that you have wasted whatever money you spent on your 5th non-star sp and that money counters the small advantage you have in the games the star sp's start.

just another way to look at it...the way i always have looked at it. but, i will admit you did open my eyes on the high start percentage in having 3 star sp's. my argument is more around the quality of the starts those 3 star sp's get.
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Postby maligned » Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:31 am

Wow, flip a coin in the west division. Highest runs scored total is 47; lowest is 37. Best run differential is +3; worst is -2. That's far.
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Postby maligned » Fri Feb 09, 2007 3:41 pm

[quote:950484d1f6="marcus wilby"]bullpen committee a bit weak[/quote:950484d1f6]

You nailed this one so far...that 5.81 bullpen ERA will get you every time...I just couldn't find a combo I felt great about once I had my offense and starting pitching in order. I have mostly S6 and matchup starters, so I wanted to be able to get quality innings from more than just one R3 or R2. I figured I could get some mid-level guys that match my stadium, then make day-to-day settings adjustments that give me the matchups I want out of the 'pen against the lineup variety I'm facing in my division. So dice.
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sun Feb 11, 2007 1:51 am

It's the number of blown saves in your case and in stevep's case that is pretty impressive. It didn't affect the records that much so far, though.

After a divisional round of activity, I am not very surprised by the current trends.

In the east, I expected Bombers pitching to struggle big time inside his division. His pitching staff faced 76% of left-handed hitters, and it showed. Expect his team to get better now that we go in inter-divsional games. Stevep achieved to be 11-7 despite allowing 33 HRs while producing 16 HRs. Allowing so much HRs will soon have an effect on the losing record. So I see in the near future maligned occupying first place, a few games in front of Bombers getting better and stevep getting on the decline, until the next divisional round occurs at game 55 and replicate what we have witnessed in the first 18 games.

In the central, cummings came out very strong, which is not so surprising considering his pitching best fits his divisional opponents. The stellar contribution of Shields and Ryan were certainly sweet music for him, but could it be maintained?. Now that we get into extra-division baseball, I see cummings's era growing, and mcsoupy slowly but surely getting back into the lead position.

The only surprises I guess come the West. I didn't expect my team to be 6-3 on the road (a couple of breaks against kaviksdad were well taken), and I didn't expect sknsfan to hold second position. But then again, I don't expect Contreras and Smoltz to hold two of the Cy Young award nominations for very long. Injuries were hard on both spicki and kaviksdad too. The fact that sknsfan holds last position on offense is truly indicative of the difficulty he will have to score runs when playing inside his division. This last position in offense is a sign that the next round of divisional games for sknsfans will be very difficult.
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Postby cummings2 » Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:53 pm

Much agreed with your observations Marcus.

I do think that Qk's and Charlie's teams are very well built. Not to take anything from any other team, of couse. But I'd be surprised if they don't bounce upwards pretty quickly.

Good luck to all in the our first run outside the division.
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Postby kaviksdad » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:33 am

This sucks... :cry:
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:05 pm

Well, Inter-divisional play started for me 1-2. Though the games were close HAL is playing dangerous games with my spec. bullpen. Tough team you have there Marcus.
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