Postby pacoboy » Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:09 pm

Budweiser Shootout this weekend !

Daytona a week away !



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Postby pacoboy » Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:12 pm

[quote:a13ef734ce]Can someone clarify this:

Do we have to name our sdal during the draft or lose the option? Or can we not pick one during the draft and then announce one later? I think I know but want to be sure before my last pick. [/quote:a13ef734ce]

The SDAL is automatic when(if) you pick a letter 2X other than B,J, or and SDAL of someone else.

...once it's picked it's automatic and yours for the season...can't change your SDAL even if you drop the 2nd letter used.

Now if you managed never to use one then you still obviously have the right to one at anytime......but you can't claim one until you actually make a pick....or add/drop later.
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:32 pm

Thanks :D
Mr Baseball World
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Postby FoggyOne » Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:48 pm

Meat: go ahead and fix munger/miller.
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Postby FoggyOne » Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:51 pm

Peoplekeep asking for permission to fix this and fix that. I am generally ok with this except that I think Big has been harshly peanlized (albeit in accordance with Bauer Rule).

Pls consider whether Big, if he so chooses, should be given the opportunity to likewise fix his line-up from available pool AND reclaim Honsby during he frenzy.....in essence a freeze right for Honsby until season starts..
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Postby spicki17 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 5:55 pm

im not sure why anyone is allowed to fix their roster now. they were out of compliance, so they live with it to waivers. its like a whole new waiver period out there and for those of us who were originally in compliance, we are penalized by not being able to re-vamp our team. this is horsesh1t.
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Postby FoggyOne » Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:02 pm

I think the correct approach is to penalize the teams who must make a fix to ge in compliance.

AP's penalty for boched alphabet is clear....highest salaried guy is toast and off the market forever. SORRY BIGGIE/Hornsby

For others who (for example) don' have enough opposite SPs and need to make a switch, we should consider whether we allow this now, or make them wait until later.

In any event, those teams that can't show 24 man roster in compliance (for breaches other than alphabet) should be FINED.

Let's list the criminals:

1) Meat (Stu Miller/Palmer)
2) Marge (Lundgren)
3) BigM (Hornsby fiasco)
4) who had 2 "K"s?
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Postby FoggyOne » Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:07 pm

As per BigM's theme, a platoon at Nickel doesn't count towards platoon rule. See below:

7. Bigmahon - Two Weddings and a (Weekly) Funeral -

You must have 2 (down from 4) platoons running at all times. You may not have platoons at your .50 position, or at 3B, or at any of Tom's 5 "opposite" spots. That leaves exactly 2, which must platoon.

Funeral bit BELOW stays the same (provided of course that Tom's rule allows for one of the 5 to be buried. If not can he please make it so).

Weekly Funeral - You will "bury" (bench) one of your positional players for a single series each week. This player may not be your 3B, your .50 player, or any of your platoon players. That leaves 5 spots to choose from, at your discretion (provided again that Tom's rule is amenable to this). You must announce your "burial" to the rest of the league via league mail as early in the week as you can. Weeks start on Monday. Penalty for failing to comply in a given week will be 2 burials in the following week. 2 total (1 additional)

see the following: QUESTION FOR BIG: Given the platoons etc, we should be sure that when we Funeral Bench a player we can only do so if we have a reserve for him. ie, we can't leave his line-up slot open just have HAL slot benched guy back in. Can you rejigger your platoons (make a platoon guy a 2 way starter and go with a different platoon) in complying as long as you mainatin platoon requirement -- me thinks yes?

ANSWER: Foggy, that sounds good to me. As long as you maintain 2 platoons, and that they are not at 3B or your .50 position you will be fine.
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Postby spicki17 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:10 pm

foggy - thank you for addressing this so quickly. i think that as long as teams are under salary now, they should be required to enter their team as is. then, we can go through the list and fine people accordingly. i have just seen a player go off the board recently that wouldve liked to have because someone else isnt in compliance. was it a big loss for me? no, it hardly means a thing since there is a good replacement for him, but if that guy goes, im screwed.
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Postby modmark46 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:59 pm

Have we skipped Doctax and Memphis on purpose, or by accident? Did they request to be skipped?
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