Win Loob's Money Invitational IV

Win Loob's Money Invitational IV

Postby Loobee » Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:25 pm

Despite my obvious lack of talent and or judgement in playing this game I am looking to see if there may be any interest in a end of the season ( strat season ) league where the lucky winner of the league will receive a check in the sum of $25 autographed by myself. This will be the 4th installment of the invite league and thought it might be fun considering my not being active in the game for past couple years. Past 3 winners of this red carpet event include noteables such as Qksilver, AbnerDoubleday and one time manager RayEg so it wont be easy but I am in the league so that means you will only have 10 teams to worry about !!! :lol: I am hoping to get this going in a week or two. The following are invited :

3-Mr. Leo

If the above mentioned wish to take part please confirm. The other slots will be filled by anyone who wishes to take part in a tough league.
BTW, Most likely will be a 80 mil. DH league but maybe we can look into random parks to make it a bit more challenging!!
Thanks everyone and despite my less than stellar record since my return I have enjoyed being back !!! :D
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Postby cummings2 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:37 pm

Thanks for the invite loobee, would love to get your autograph and hang it right next to my Pam Anderson one :wink:

I am out of credits for 06 though and not quite looking into shelling another 25 for a set I'm fairly burnt out with. if I happen to get another credit I'll use it for your invitational but no leagues due to close in the next 3 weeks and I can't even see myself getting another freebie with this set :cry:

I'll pass on this year's invittion and if the carpet is still rolled next year...I'll save a credit for the invitational V. :D

Great bunch of guys you have assembled/invited.

Once again thanks for the invite and all best of luck.

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Postby HUDAMAN » Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:48 pm

From one inactive to another, I'd be delighted, consider me in. Thanks for the invite. I won't spend all that money in one place... 8) I'll be ready when your full.
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Postby ArrylT » Fri Feb 09, 2007 6:51 pm

I'd be interested in playing. :)
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Postby Loobee » Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:54 pm

welcome aboard lee and ArrylT. Excellent to have a couple long timers on board right away. Sorry to hear that you will not be joining us C2. Should be a brutal league and not a easy one to win ! Your spot is still there if you have a change of heart before the final spot fills.

1- leehaak
2- ArrylT
12- Loobee
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Postby AZHawg » Fri Feb 09, 2007 8:09 pm

I would like to give it a shot Loobee. My teams have been slumping lately so maybe I could give you a run for doormat in this league.

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Postby Jerlins » Fri Feb 09, 2007 10:25 pm

This week would have been great for me, as I was on vacation and any day would have been great for waivers. But with an availability in which only Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays are available for the post waivers free for all, I'll have to decline as well. At this point of the year, I've no interest in creating a team where I can't be around for the 5pm frenzy period and have to deal with the leftover scraps no one else wants.

Thanks for the invite, it's much appreciated.
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Postby Loobee » Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:33 pm

Too bad you wont be able to join us Jerlins. If it makes it any more tempting I will be the last team to enter and I will not do that until a Wednesday so waivers will run on a Friday! Good to have you in the league AZHawg. If others would like to join up please feel free. My invite list was mostly comprised of guys I have known from the early days and some new friends. I do not know alot of the new managers here and some of the old timers have changed their name so if interested feel free to sign up.

1- leehaak
2- ArrylT
3- AZHawg
12- Loobee
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby Jerlins » Sat Feb 10, 2007 8:00 pm

Well it would be silly to make an exception for me, especially on a Friday, when I'm sure its inconvient for most others. I appreciate going out of your way to include me, but I'll still pass so as not to cause any rift with others. Thanks again.
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Postby Loobee » Sun Feb 11, 2007 6:57 pm

No more interest in this ???? :? Wow !! Who would of thought it would be so tough to give away cash !!! :roll: Either everyone that plays this online game is independently wealthy or the 06 game is worn out. I imagine it is the latter. I will give it a few more days to fill and if it does not I will give up the idea. Just thought it might be fun considering it is the end of the season for these cards and some guys with creds would like to play for something besides more creds. Also not sure if I will be playing when the new cards come out so thought I would try this out.
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