Postby pacoboy » Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:36 pm

Hes' Meat,

The STICK PICKS will not be added until AFTER the autodraft.

Thus, that's when we should hold that daft.

I strongly urge wockenfuss to:

1 - Push the league to autodraft
2 - use WAIVERS to basicly FREEZE teams for 2 days for wockenfuss to CHECK compliance verification
3 - use the waiver period to drop our 25th player
4 - use the FA list for the STICK PICKS

Just my 2 cents.
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Postby giddyup81 » Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:44 pm

According to my calculations noone else left to pick can take a 'F' so i'll take Curt Ford. I added him to my verification and my list of taken people.
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:54 pm

I agree with AP.

To be a pain in the butt: Seems to me that allowing stick picks at someones .50 cent position or third base alters the Pavano rule from its original premise ie a guy you don't want to use. Instead we will just have really good players who you just aren't allowed to play. Yes they could dh but thanks to the unc rule everyone has an intended dh in the 10+ mill range so that spot won't work for the stick either. Just don't see LaJoie Speaker and Wagner as guys who fit the Pavano rule.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:56 pm

My final $$$$ tally is 89.3. I still have not picked a secret double letter(SDAL).

I am ready to draft if we do draft before the stick picks.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby bigmahon » Sat Feb 10, 2007 4:53 am

People, I am more than a bit perplexed by some of the comments regarding [i:9e41dc42f2]l'affaire[/i:9e41dc42f2] Hornsby.

There seems to be a general view that my violation was somehow more egregious than the rest of the rule breaks we have observed. Not sure why this would be the case. One thing is certain, though. I have paid the highest price (by far).

Also, [b:9e41dc42f2]AP[/b:9e41dc42f2], your recent post has deeply confused me. What exactly does this mean?

[i:9e41dc42f2]1 - Bigmahon violated the "24" Rule and made his "FIX" like most....but he then fell upon CAP issues and thus was forced into my PENALTY.

....not sure how he came upon the player he add/dropped initially and didn't select a slightly higher $ player to drop to be able to keep Hornsby....didn't follow how that played out.

My "24" Rule violation and my CAP issues were intertwined. As in, the only reason I couldn't pick certain letters was that I couldn't afford the players left at those letters. My understanding of your rule was that I would have to drop my [b:9e41dc42f2]highest priced player[/b:9e41dc42f2] as a result. So your second paragraph above seems really strange. Are you saying that I didn't have to drop Hornsby? If that is the case, I would like to reacquire him.

I sometimes find the contentious nature/atmosphere of a Shifting Sands difficult. Although you do generally get to see who your friends are (or aren't as the case may be)...

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Postby modmark46 » Sat Feb 10, 2007 5:52 am

Speaking only for myself, I generally remain in a state of semi-confusion in these SS drafts. I figure, what I know, I know, and what I don't know, someone else will straigthen me out. :) Some of the postings may not be the most diplomatic, but I don't think anyone intends any insults, or is intentionally trying to rub someone the wrong way. It's such a long, drawn out draft that confusion is bound to occur and nerves get frayed. No one has intentionally screwed up. Mistakes are going to happen in this league, so I think some latitude needs to be utilized in helping everyone to get in to compliance. Thankfully, I remain blissfully ignorant of the subtle strategies, whatever they may be, in this league. Main thing is to work together to make sure we are all on the same page, and to continue to stress the FUN in all of this. It's not life and death. :)
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Postby spicki17 » Sat Feb 10, 2007 8:30 am

[b:aafe6244c7]biggie[/b:aafe6244c7] - i dont think you were required to drop hornsby. look around to other people who have violated the 24 rule and they are just allowed to drop whomever they want to get in compliance. i dont see why it should be different for you.
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Postby memphisjohn » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:37 am

Hey, folks.

I have been traveling all week (working 14 hour days) and trying to keep with this. In trying to keep up and only having time to make rushed picks, I am not in compliance with several rules. I'm close on all, but only in compliance with 3 or 4.

I will put my list on some time today noting where I am out of compliance, then wait on the appropriate penalties.

Thanks, mj

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Postby memphisjohn » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:53 am

Here's where I stand after [b:529ae60434]23 picks[/b:529ae60434]:

In Shibe '50 so I must have 5 full-time LH Hitters: [u:529ae60434]I only have 4:[/u:529ae60434] Evers, Jackson, Hall, Keller.

I must have 4 LSP - [u:529ae60434]I only have 3[/u:529ae60434] - Short, Koosman, Osteen.

ERA names - incomplaince with 2 Jimmie's, 2 Johnny's, Chris Short

Boston Pilgrim - N. Gibson - However, he is a RSP - so unless this is exempt, I'm not even incompliance wiht my own rule...ugh...

"1" at 3b - Brooks Robinson

2 platoons (can't be .50 SS, 3n or any LHB) - I have one official platoon Mthews and Cater in LF. No other designated plattoon. I would likre to drop Bench to make C a platton and also assist ingetting back incompliance with the decade rule.

Decade rule - of my 12 batters (yes this means I have 11 pitchers - ugh), 4 are from the 60's, 2 from 00 and 2 from 70. I only have 7 different decades represented...

Defense must equal 21. I'm not even trying till my decade rule is in order.

Roster have last names with different letters - I thought that this is one rule I was keeping up with, but I have my Secret letter K with 2 players, but I also have 2 F's and 2 C's.

So, as you can see this is totally F'd up and I am embarrassed and I apologize.
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Postby FoggyOne » Sat Feb 10, 2007 12:33 pm

1. We will do the sticks B4 AD once live 24 draft is done. I posted this many times (allbeit orignal intention was to do it after AD). Otherwise, we have a timing issue due to frenzy. Simpliest solution is to do it after 24 Live draft, fill in AD, first move in frenzy to add 2nd stick, then OFF to the Correction Races (aka "Roster Reconstruction").

2. You can stick one Pitcher and and one hitter. You can stick at 3rd, you can stick at Nickel. The thought behind this theme was to reward the teams that figure out a way to use the sticks. I plan on rejiggering my line-up (and left room) at DH. I made the choice to have an OPTION to lose Ted Wiliiams by playing him in the field (and DHing a stick) or just taking the salary hit on the stick. The Stick will reward creative GM's with flexible rosters. OR you can just pretend it is a 90M cap. Its up to you......
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