Postby pacoboy » Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:44 pm

wockenfuss, I'm not the commish - you are. My rule is crystal clear and I have tried to explain - in great detail - the differences regarding the penalty and/or fixes of everyone.

It's now up to you to make a decision, not me.

Bigmahon, I'd love to see you keep Hornsby but again, I don't have time to dig up all the posts on this thread. I rememeber reading a post where you specificly said you would be OVER the cap based on the letters and players that were left. If that is NOT correct then lay out the situation here and explain.

One last time I will give you the explaination of the PENALTY:

IF someone comes to a point in the draft where:

1 - The letters left for them have ZERO players needed to fulfill their compliances - ALL the compliances
2 - There are players left which they could use BUT they would be over the $90M cap by picking them
They have hit the penalty phase

A) [b:88d3f0760d]He's Meat[/b:88d3f0760d] came to such a point where he needed 3 LH Starters. Howver, NEITHER # 1 OR # 2 were true at that point. He HAD the letters and players to use AND he had the cash to pick them.
B) Giddyups came to his point in the draft where he picked the wrong letter. Again, neither # 1 or # 2 applied to him...thus, he also did NOT hit the penalty

...and now Bigmahon.

If in fact Bigmahon fixes his PILGRIM error and THEN neither # 1 or # 2 apply then yes, of course, he can keep Hornsby....but from what I read he would have hit # 2. If I misread this....and I hope I did.....then he can keep Hornsby.

NOTE: Like I said before regarding Meat's Reuther pick......IMHO (and this is a commish ruling - not mine)....Bigmahon should take the PILGRIM of the letter matching his LATEST pick and NOT simply ONE of his picks.

I have no idea which Pilgrims are left and not about to look....but that's the way I see it.

Commish, it's all yours.

LMK when the phase 2 starts.

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Postby uncle ny » Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:41 pm

[quote:7e295373d2="rosenthm"]Also, I do not have a backup catcher, yet. Can I pick a scrub that I intend to drop immediately and pick up a back-up catcher that will keep me in compliance?[/quote:7e295373d2]

I suspect that's another problem. I thought all teams had to be autodraft compliant as well as a "given" rather than as a rule. You're in BIG TROUBLE, friend. :twisted:
uncle ny
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Final Rulings

Postby FoggyOne » Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:49 pm

to come tomorrow.
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Postby rosenthm » Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:10 pm

OK, I'm fixed...had to make a few switches to get within the "compliance" umbrella:

Dropped all my subs: Henderson, Johnson and Easler. Also dropped Yerkes and Flanagan and Lowdermilk. Picked up Yeager, Harmon, Fingers, Lerch, Ellis

My Compliant Roster:

1B - W. McCovey (ERA, opp; 4; 60s)
2B - Anderson (.50 2b; 3; 70's) Harmon ( .50 backup; ERA)
3B - Schmidt (1 3B; 70s))
SS - Jackson / Burleson (Platoon; 1)
LF - Blefary (Opp; 4)
CF - C. WAlker (Opp; 4; 20's)
RF - Stahl / Thompson( Platoon; 4; both ERA; 1/50's)
C - Dickey(Opp; 1; 30s)
DH - Gehrig(Opp; ERA; 20s)

Yeager, C


Pierce (Opp; ERA)
Kerr (Opp)
Cicotte (10s;ERA)
Lerch (Opp starter only; ERA)
Rau (Opp starter only)

Fingers (80s)

87.18 spent

Penalty? I think the three hours, I've spent working this out is enough o a penalty. I'm getting perilously close to not having fun anymore.... :?

Penalty for others? If you can make your roster work with all the players already taken and you take the time to get into compliance, that's all the penalty you should have...
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Postby FoggyOne » Mon Feb 12, 2007 12:21 am

I don't thinl that should be allowed.

I think the recent fixes ought to be undone. Allowing the fixes now gives people a jump start on the frenzy. That isn't fair to the teams that are in compliance.

Hornsby Penalty is upheld.

All other recent fixes are hereby undone.

We go with what has been drafted WITHOUT corrections.

We list the people who made more than ONE mistake (other than a major Jack Bauer Penalty).

Those people will be fined for each (minor) infraction over ONE (one freebie other than alphabet MAJOR for each GM.

If you are over 90M through 24, then when filing out AD, those teams will draft a 500K BUM (who fits all other themes) in lieu of another player so as to gain salary cap compliance. Theye will have a freeze right on such dropped player until 10 PM after we run the AD. Thereafter, they are fair game.

As I understand things, the following people will be fined (in excess of the one freebie mistake):

Meat (2 infractions)
RosenthM (2 infractions)
Memphis (4+ infractions)
DocTax (potential Jack Bauer Major Penalty)
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Postby MEAT » Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:40 am

according to this, I keep reuther and fix later. fine. ive got one infraction, im short one rh starting pitcher.
otherwise my roster is in compliance including 9-signs of the zodiac,
3-.50 cfers, my pilgrim, my 1-3b, my five full time rh hitters in league park, two platoons, lf/2b, 450,000 under cap. if ive forgotten anything or another error/misinterpretation/confusion/impossiblity....please let me know...then shoot me.
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Postby bigmahon » Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:55 am

Thanks Foggy for the ruling on Hornsby. I am happy with it. :wink:

One more thing that confuses me, however. When did we decide that some infractions are "major", while others are "minor"? Are these value judgements written into the rules somewhere? A rule is a rule in my book, you either violate it or you don't. Why is AP's rule more serious than all the others? :?
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Postby rosenthm » Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:06 am

So glad I spent all my discretionary time last night fixing my mistakes. I was actually pretty pleased I was able to do it and get to compliance. Now, I'm supposed to go back to having no nickel backup and no 2nd catcher? And I'm supposed to go into the autodraft like that? So with this latest ruling, I'm supposed to forget about a back-up nickel player until after the stick round and after AD? And what should I do about a 2nd catcher? Just pick up a scrub? He doesn't have to be a "1" to comply with 24 rule? And he doesn't have to be a letter I don't yet have?

I'm a little confused, but just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it. :(
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Postby FoggyOne » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:13 am

A Major Jack Bauer penalty is a "drop highest paid player" in accordance with AP's theme and not a penalty imposed by the league office.

Everyone should return their roster to the way it was before our flurry of fixes.

In the case of the person without a back-up catcher, they should pick the highest priced Catcher for AD purposes instead of the highest priced position player but with same first letter of last name.

Summary to follow of infractions which will be penalized ny 500K DH for one series as per above.

Meat (1 infraction)
RosenthM (2 infractions)
Memphis (4+ infractions)
DocTax (potential Jack Bauer Major Penalty)
Uncle (1 infraction)

We need to hear from AP regarding whether DocTax and Memphis have MAJOR Jack bauer infractions/

Please post your salary through round 24 so we can get stick picks started.
Last edited by FoggyOne on Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby FoggyOne » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:15 am

Do you have to drop highest paid hitter beacuse of alphabet? Please summarize you alphabet compliance (without regard to any quick fixes at this time).

AP: Please review for potential penalty.

Let's get started on stick picks as soon as we can.
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