Bad Defence/Great SPs/Great Hitters/Which Park?

Bad Defence/Great SPs/Great Hitters/Which Park?

Postby Detroit-Tigers » Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:55 am

I have never bought the game and tried to firgure out how to run sims, but my question is this:

(Non-salary cap)
If I have a team with great SPs, weak RPs, great hitting (Average 7BPHRs, and 7 Natural HRs), and bad defence, should I take a hitter's park or a pitcher's park?

My thinking is this:

In a pitcher's park, my SPs get more innings, but my hitters lose out.

In a hitter's park, my SP get less innings, but my hitters clean up.

Is it better to have bad defence in a hitter's park or pitchers? In a hitter's park the defence comes into play more often (more chances to hit because hitters are more successful). But does it hurt more in a pitcher's park where ever run counts more?
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Postby Roscodog » Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:33 am

I would think that a hitters park with high HR totals but low single totals would be ideal. ie 1-1L 1-1R 20-20L 20-20R.
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Postby visick » Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:51 am

[quote:a67cc0db5d]Is it better to have bad defence in a hitter's park or pitchers? In a hitter's park the defence comes into play more often (more chances to hit because hitters are more successful). But does it hurt more in a pitcher's park where ever run counts more? [/quote:a67cc0db5d]

The latter.

Since every run counts in a pitchers park, your defense is critical to success.
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Postby geekor » Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:54 am

Check out the "can I win with a 3 at SS" tread below this. The minds over there believe that Petco is better for that type of team.
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Postby ndowdy » Mon Feb 12, 2007 5:46 pm

I would love to see a post that quantifies how many extra outs/bases come from a certain ranged defender. So does a Guillen like shortstop who can hit make up for his 3 range rating?
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Postby visick » Mon Feb 12, 2007 9:00 pm

At times...

I'll use a 3 @ SS, but my D in CF and @ 2B is a 2 or better.

That 3 @ SS had better be hitting very well or it will usually go terribly bad... :cry:
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