Postby pacoboy » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:18 am

We're still not ready to do the stick picks ? :?

wockenfuss, we're really going to allow people to autodraft with NON-COMPLIANT teams ? Serious ?

Why did we bother taking 2 weeks to do this ? We could have live drated 10 rounds and auto-drafted the rest - fixed out issues in the frenzy and saved ourselves a ton of time.

...so glad my time and efforts with the spreadsheets and draft monitoring was all worth while :roll:

Total crock.

rosenthm, how many mistakes did you need to fix ? Honestly, are you serious that we should let you add/drop not 1, not 2, not 3 but 5 players when we all killed ourselves trying to do this the right way during the draft ?!?!?!

This is totaly insanity.

wockenfuss, you've lost total control. Just because we are all Vets and Friends does NOT mean we have to kiss everyone's *** to make nice nice.

...let's not forget that Uncle F'd up 2x while he was away - where is his fine ? So he get a break cause he was on vacation ?

The only diff between Uncle and the rest of the guys is that his mistakes were caught when they happened.

This was SUPPOSED to be challenging. This was SUPPOSED to be HARD to manage.

Bigmahon's a 100% stand up guy and took his penalty like a good sport.

Giddyup was a simple fix
Meat, a bit more complex but fair for reason explained here 100 times
rosenthm, all that I saw posted was that she felt she had a CAP issue - which she did NOT.

What's the problem now ?

PENALTY was quite clear - IF YOU CAN NOT FIELD A TEAM UNDER THE "24" rule with all the compliances and still maintain your CAP then you get hit w/ the same penalty as Bigmahon.

I wont' be checking back here.

You all have my e-mail when it's time for the STICK PICKS.

Since for some strange reason we will NOT be doing the STICKS after the autodraft but rather before, someone kindly send me an available players list (which TSN would have given us if we autodrafted first) because I'm totally lost.


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Compliance/Salaries thru Round 24

Postby FoggyOne » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:21 am

1 - bigmahon - YES $____
2 - modmark - YES $____
3 - spicki - YES (subject to ERA confirmation) $____
4 - memphis - No/Penalty $____
5 - MRBBW - YES $____
6 - pacoboy - YES $____
7 - wockenfuss - YES 89,420,000
8 - rosenthm - No/Penalty $____
9 - doctax - no/Penalty $____
10 - giddyup- YES $____
11 - Uncle NY - YES $____
12 - He's Meat - No/Penalty $____

Salaries will be calculated presently WITHOUT further adjustment resulting from Jack bauer MAJOR penalty enforcement.
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Postby FoggyOne » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:26 am

AP: Fairest way to do this is to allow draft of a few noncompliant teams and make them fix in the frenzy. This penalizes them MORE than allowing them to fix now when there is no competition for free agents or time crunch.

Uncle will be fined once. You are correct, he made two mistakes during live draft. I amended that post.

There are two potential MAJOR Bauer penalties out there (Doc tax and memphis) and I will need your rulings on those when they post.

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Stick Picks

Postby FoggyOne » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:33 am

Stick Picks will start at 5Pm today NYT. If teams have not posted their salaries by then, the teams that have posted will gobefore the others and I will randomly draw the others.

Since we all know that we are near the end of Phase I ( :lol: ), I don't think it is unreasonable to require teams to check back in today.
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Postby Mr Baseball World » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:36 am

My team salary total is 89.3 million.
Mr Baseball World
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Postby modmark46 » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:40 am

1 - bigmahon - YES $____
2 - modmark - YES - $88.75
3 - spicki - YES (subject to ERA confirmation) $____
4 - memphis - No/Penalty $____
5 - MRBBW - YES - $89.3
6 - pacoboy - YES $____
7 - wockenfuss - YES 89,420,000
8 - rosenthm - No/Penalty $____
9 - doctax - no/Penalty $____
10 - giddyup- YES $____
11 - Uncle NY - YES $____
12 - He's Meat - No/Penalty $____

Salaries will be calculated presently WITHOUT further adjustment resulting from Jack bauer MAJOR penalty enforcement.
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Postby modmark46 » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:46 am

Looks like nerves are just about totally frayed. No question, this is the most difficult draft I'VE ever been in. But, I kind of expected it to be, when I saw the completed list of themes. Hopefully, we can all hang in and complete this thing, now that we are so close. [b:9bfe6bbaee]And, to the commish[/b:9bfe6bbaee], I will be off-line from around 1:30pm-4:30pm EST, and again from about 5:45-9:50pm EST. The first period I sleep when my grandson takes his nap. The second period I sleep again after my wife gets home. Then I get up and leave for work around 10:15pm (3rd shift), and then back on-line again around 6:45am EST. Just a FYI.
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Postby spicki17 » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:49 am

[b:b3fea6be33]commish [/b:b3fea6be33]- im not sure how i am supposed to validate my ERA players. the system is too convaluded for calculating an ERA player than for me to be able to easily determine which are and which arent. i know about 10 rounds ago, marge posted i had 6 ERA players. that being said, i think i should be in compliance.
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Postby rosenthm » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:51 am

[quote:d57e4e67ff]rosenthm, how many mistakes did you need to fix ? Honestly, are you serious that we should let you add/drop not 1, not 2, not 3 but 5 players when we all killed ourselves trying to do this the right way during the draft ?!?!?! [/quote:d57e4e67ff]

I had two mistakes to fix. nickel backup and 2nd catcher. I had to drop five players to fix the 2 mistakes, because of 24, decade and alphabet rules. After considerable time and effort I made the fix and have a compliant team pre AD.

...[quote:d57e4e67ff]so glad my time and efforts with the spreadsheets and draft monitoring was all worth while [/quote:d57e4e67ff]

AP, you're not the only one that took the time with spreadsheets and draft monitoring. I guess you are just so superior to several of us that you made it through the mine field without any mistakes. I did not go into this draft willy-nilly. I planned, I did spreadheets, I adjusted and monitored along the way....and I was having fun. I did my very best to make it work. I thought I had put together a comliant team when I posted it. So I fd up! It certainly wasn't with intention, it certainly wasn't for lack of trying to do the right thing and it certainly wasn't because I didn't take the time and effort like you did!.

[quote:d57e4e67ff]In the case of the person without a back-up catcher, they should pick the highest priced Catcher for AD purposes instead of the highest priced position player but with same first letter of last name. [/quote:d57e4e67ff]

wockenfuss, with all due respect, I do not understand this. Highest price and the same letter of my first string catcher? Wouldn't that give me 2 double agents? Highest price in relation to what? the money I have left? with or without 10 MIL added? I'm totally confused. And I'm sure you're totally frustrated, but I need a little better explanation of what you want me to do. Go back to where I was before the fixes I made. Don't worry about having a nickel backup and draft the highest price catcher with same letter. The only part I dont understand is the highest prioce catcher with same letter.

You know what guys, I am not having fun anymore. I'll do whatever the group and/or the commish suggests is the right thing to do. But I do agree with AP when he says this is insanity...and not the good kind of insanity, either. I could give a flying fig who I have on my roster, who I get "stuck" with, and who pitches, plays 2nd base or catches. I don't care if i win 50 games or 100 games and I can't wait for all this to be over.
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Postby memphisjohn » Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:55 am

[quote:57836d66d3="wockenfuss"]Do you have to drop highest paid hitter beacuse of alphabet? Please summarize you alphabet compliance (without regard to any quick fixes at this time).[/quote:57836d66d3]

My total salaries after 24 rounds are $91.58. I have 2F's and 2 C's. I can drop the most expensive F, which is Foxx, but both C's are .50 of which I should probably drop Christianson because he is one of my 11 pitchers.

So, I propose to correct these two infractions by dropping Foxx and Christianson and picking up a couple of scrubs (or alternatives to try to fix other issues like Jack Bauer or defense=21) to replace them so that I can fill the draft slots.

I will also be missing the frenzy so I will be at a particular disadvantage when trying to correct my team.
Last edited by memphisjohn on Mon Feb 12, 2007 10:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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