Can you win with a "3" at shortstop????

Postby MARCPELLETIER » Sun Feb 11, 2007 4:38 pm


I don't know anyone who argues that you can't win with 3s. If you go back to the posters above, everyone agrees that you can definitively win with 3s.

4s is stretching a bit, but as far as I can see, you stayed away from 4s except at ss, lf, and 1b. Lf and 1b are the least important defensive positions, so you can cheat a bit. And by choosing Cedeno (ss-4e10), you kinda have the equivalent of a ss-3 with high error.

Moreover, considering that you have put emphasized on on-base and pitching (for a petco team), it seems to me that you replicated the good ol' Stratological orthodox way to win a championship!!!

Besides, Petco is the best stadium to use a very bad defensive ss.

So, with the exception of Cedeno at ss, this looks like a pretty conventional Petco team to me!! :P

That said, I still believe that you should go for defense instead of offense when deciding to which player will bat 9th in the line-up.
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Postby harry166 » Sun Feb 11, 2007 5:19 pm

One of my current teams has soriano playing second, although to be fair he isn't playing against lefties and is subbed out for defense. The team is leading the wild card race.
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Postby Loobee » Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:04 pm

I won a championship at Wrigley with a 4 at both 2b and SS. If all the rest of the pieces of the team work ( the right offense and pitching for the division/league) I believe it is possible to win with 4's. Not that it is something I would try every time out but it can be done. Not sure about CF though as I have never tried that one myself.
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Postby durantjerry » Sun Feb 11, 2007 8:53 pm

Since you are on the subject, I have a team going Monday with Durham at 2b. A few US Cell, 5 Petco, 1 MM & 2 Fenway and another hitting park or two. Mine = Petco, MM, US Cell. Something to break the monotony.


Davannon/Mondesi in RF
Thames fulltime in LF
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Postby deeznuts515 » Tue Feb 13, 2007 4:51 pm

Marcus, question about this:

"Moreover, ss-4 and 2b-4 (and cf-4 to a lesser extent) are way overpriced when playing the field because their price tag are based on dh-ing, not on playing the field."

Does this mean there's no pricing difference between 5's and 4's, given the same offensive output? IE the Giambis and Ortiz's, or even Frank Thomases... would have the same pricing even if they were a 4 on defense? Or does this only apply to SS, 2B and CF?
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Postby MARCPELLETIER » Wed Feb 14, 2007 5:10 am

Well, I can't affirm it. Perhaps TSN considers a small penalty to extremely bad defender, presuming for example that they have a 5% chance that Hal plays them in the field.

But it's clear that the price tag difference between two similarly capable offensive players, one with a cf4e8 and the other cf5e25 (like Sanchez), would be small if ever existant.
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Postby Urishade » Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:54 am

Not sure if this neatly fits into this topic but I was curious about what determines the success rate of turning a double play. I am playing a season in Minute Maid where I have Brandon Webb as a starter. He has the max number of DP opportunities on each side of his card and I have Wilson (1 Def) at SS but I'm using Kent (3 Def) at 2B.

Problem is that Webb is getting killed, even at home, and I thought it may have something to do with him not getting DPs. So I looked through several play by plays and sure enough there were a number of times where there was a runner on 1st and the hitter grounded out but no DP was turned. Is Kent's 3 at 2B preventing those DPs from being turned? And if so what level of defensive rating is sufficient to ensure a high success rate of DPs? Thanks
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Postby Mean Dean » Sat Feb 17, 2007 9:55 pm

Chances of a double play, given that there's a runner on 1st and that a 2B(X) or SS(X) has been rolled:

1 fielder: 80%
2: 50%
3: 30%
4: 20%
5: 5%

A player's range gets one rating worse when responsible for holding on a runner (unless it's already 5, of course.) The responsible player is the 2B if the batter is right-handed, and the SS if he is left-handed.

The chance of 2B(X) being rolled in a given AB is 2.78%, and the chance of SS(X) is 3.24%.
Mean Dean
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Win with 3 at SS?! As Al Michaels would say..."YES!"

Postby pcbaseballsims » Sun Feb 18, 2007 12:47 pm

I won my div handily in a '69 lg with Maury (3/e31) Wills at ss. "Wills kills" as I liked to say. Lots of E's but he hit well. Now my record was also worst of 3 div winners. I wouldn't do so again. 1 or 2 at C, SS, 2B, CF. Or low error totals. A 1 or 2 who still commits many errors isn't worth the extra $.
I liked the comments re Brandon Webb & DP chances, will have to chk for that more closely on cards. Go Oaks!
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Xtra Reason to Draft M. Young For '06 Campaign!

Postby pcbaseballsims » Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:40 pm

He's an ironman, played 162. He can NOT be injd. How valuable is that. Keeping your guys on the field daily more than offsets not being a "1", "2".
That said I ALSO LIKE SWITCH HITTERS: Jose Reyes (prob too $pendy),
J Ro (25 HRs), Raphael (15 HR) Furcal or perhaps the best value...Omar Vizquel, a "1" regular gold glove who surprising pop in '06: 2 HRs but plenty of dbls, triples. Darkhorse: Bill Hall (35HR), AZ's Stephen Drew.

--"TRADER Jack" McKeon (only 3 trades in our '69 lg & TJ was in on them all...stated differently were there no TJ I guess there would be 0 trades!).

Amazing. Almost as Amazin' as the Amazin Mets. Why are people so lazy to trade?! Theyd rather take a 20% "hit" going free agent route. If that's the case then I guess it doesnt matter how much you spend on draft day.

The post/thread on an allocation of $32M pitching; 48M hitting was great!
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