Re: KEV...

Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:27 am

[quote:e9d31cd489="robvoz"]... this is Rob's ball & chain (heehee)... he's off somewhere, not answering his cell phone (I'm sure half-dressed women are involved)... anyway, Kev... please send me Diane's email address. I want to hook you guys up with my brother, Bob & his wife, Nicole. They moved back to Minneapolis (not far from the Uptown area) about a year or so ago (his company transferred him back after being in San Diego for several years), so they've done the whole cross-country move / home purchase thing and I think they'd be a tremendous help to you. Also, personally, I think Diane & Nicole would hit it off tremendously. Nicole is a black belt in kickboxing and a life coach. Bob & Nicole are a great couple, really fun to hang out with, totally into the music scene in Minneapolis... they're around your age, and I KNOW you guys would hit it off (Rob agrees, too!)

OKAY... the wife is done thread-jacking (LOL!)... back to your manly stuff (whatever the hell that means).

PV :)[/quote:e9d31cd489]

Hi Rob's better half!! :D I will send Rob a personal PM and give you both our email addresses. It's good to see that you aren't afraid to post things among the wackos in the GBBR. :wink: We would love to get the info for your brother and Nicole and get hold of them when we settle in. We will probably be there around July-ish.

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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:43 am

Tom, I was in Houston on Saturday and was thinking about you! :wink:
After the cruise, we took a shuttle from Galveston to George Bush airport in Houston. We had an 8 hour wait for our 7PM flight, so a bunch of us rented a couple vans and went around Houston for awhile. We went to a park near Rice University and hung out there awhile and then ate at Pappasinos (sp) mexican restaurant near downtown. It was a beautiful day in Houston! When I visit there, I'll make sure it is early in the year, before the sweltering heat hits the city.

We enjoyed the visit in the Houston area. Of course we traveled around the "nicer" parts of the city. Next time I hope to have more time and give you a call. :D

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Postby KEVINEHLE » Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:47 am

[quote:427650f931="Jeepdriver"]Straight from AP wire sources: Pettitte joins his 3rd team of the season. 8) :wink:

Yes, making more roster moves. Remember the Styx song "I've Got Too Much Time on my Hands?" Well that's me having just the two active teams so I'm finding myself tweaking an underperforming team quite a bit, probably too much especially at the 20% hit now, but I can not bear to see this team struggle continuingly. BTW, as mentioned Edmonds is gone following his first lengthy injury. The .100 B.A. didn't help either.[/quote:427650f931]

This kind of thing drives me crazy!! In 5 starts for me, Pettitte was 0-2 with a 9.00 ERA! For Jeep, Pettitte has 5 starts and is 3-1 with a 2.08 ERA!! :evil: Does Jeep have some kind of magical powers?? Meanwhile, Clemens is 10-13 for me as my workhorse and my team just dropped below .500 last night after getting swept by the evil Swarmers! :evil:
I'm back from vacation and ready to turn this team around.....again.

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Postby CATom » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:16 pm

did you go on the Princess cruise from Galveston? Funny, we were in Galveston on Saturday - went to the Mardi Gras! My hotel is REAL close to the Bush airport, as a matter of fact we run a shuttle back and forth from there! I get a lot of the "cruise" people that come in a day early OR stay a day late! My wife really likes the cruise's, she used to own a travel agency and primarily booked crusies. She has been on SEVEN, when we met I told her i'd NEVER go because I get sea-sick! Been on four now myself :wink: GREAT fun, can't wait to go on one of the western caribbean boats that leave from HERE or Galveston! Next time you are in the area give us a call ALTHOUGH I have to warn you, neither my wife NOR myself cook like Mr. Robert of Phoenix does! We do, however, know where there are a couple of GOOD sports bars!!!!! 8) :lol:

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Postby cummings2 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:27 pm

[quote:b69373989d]It's good to see that you aren't afraid to post things among the wackos in the GBBR[/quote:b69373989d]

I... I ... I have [i:b69373989d]never[/i:b69373989d] been so insulted Kev. Whack-o???? Me?????


I'll start singing again then:

"[i:b69373989d]Oooooooooo Sooooole mioooooooo[/i:b69373989d]"

Rob, since I haven't heard back from you I am starting to think you didn't get my PM the other day.

I'm going to send you another one later on tonight. I'll try to keep it short this time.

Pssst... kev... c'mere... listen to this:

"[size=18:b69373989d][i:b69373989d]Iiiiiiiiiiit's nooooowwww or neeeveeeeer[/i:b69373989d][/size:b69373989d]"
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Hey Chuck...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:54 pm

Have been pretty busy lately, but I finally quit the Pizza Place on Sat. I came in, read the lazy front help the riot act(I can be pretty loud and use very colorful words when I am exhausted and my 3 month fuse runs out) told them to put their homework down and get their *** in the back and do their prep - Since they had been there for 1.5 hrs already and hadn't lifted a finger.

She proceded to get very defensive and told me I had to leave and altho she isn't a mgr. I gave her the authority to fire me and walked out - Never to return. Aaahhh...How nice to take a couple of days off after about 20+ consecutive days of work with 6 of them doubles.

I actually feel like a normal HB for once during the last 6 Mos. :)

BTW Chuck, I got your Feb. 5th PM, but nothing since. R
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BTW Tom...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:04 pm

I never mind doing most of or all the cooking...What I need are really good eaters - Willing to drink a lot of wine, get bad breath from all the garlic and herbs I use and get silly/stupid/high from all the flavors and fruit of the vine.

AND...Kev, Pam will get back to you on the emails as soon as we digest her magnificent Dinner tonite - Spinach and Raddichio with tomatoes, onion, bacon, fresh garlic and Asian Dressing, Green Beans with carmelized walnuts in Soy/Worchestshire and Brown sugar, Carmelized onions and mushrooms in white wine over NY Strip...Yum!!! And extremely low carb.

I tend to like to drink my carbs - Which I am sure Tom, Kev and Etdefender can attest to. Probably Kav and Sandy too - But we only had dinner out and not at our home. :) R
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Uno Mas BTW...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:11 pm

For those of you who have ever met my 5 yr old...She was the 96.9 "Kid of the Week." Pam wrote up a description of how Zoe chose to use her piggy bank money (which she saved from the Summer until Xmas) to buy gifts for the poor children instead of herself or us. There was some other stuff, but I think the altruism of the true story is how she won the contest.

People from the station came to her school and honored her in front of her class, brought her a bag of gifts, took her photo and gave her a check for $96. She was interviewed and it aired this morning at 7AM. What a thrill for her. :D R
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Postby CATom » Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:27 pm

what a great story of ZOE! Thinking back (Lana and I) I believe I have "known" you since I was at the Chelsea Motor Inn in San Francisco! Think, at one time, we had discussed you coming there to watch a Giants game at "Pac Bell"! "WOW" --- since then I have been in San Jose, Bodega Bay (which is where we were when we came to Phoenix to meet you), Ukiah and now Houston ----- GUESS I JUST CAN'T KEEP A JOB! Really hope all is well with you guys, and always wishing you the "BEST", your friend,


ps - we really don't cook - BUT - we do enjoy eating & drinking the VINO!!!
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Hey Tom...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Tue Feb 20, 2007 1:36 am

Wasn't there a stint in the Bahamas or something like that mixed in with those moves? It seems you had a short stay there before returning to N Cali...My, my you and Lana have travelled much the past 5 yrs.

Something Pam and I love to do, but haven't had a lot of chances to do since Zoe arrived. We do plana Disneyland excursion sometime before summer tho - Before she gets too big. She sure has plenty of wonderment of every little part of her life.

Be sure to let us know if you come to AZ for a visit anytime in the near future. Dinner will be waiting. :wink: Robert
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