CD-ROM leagues (netplay leagues)

CD-ROM leagues (netplay leagues)

Postby MICHAELSCIANATICO » Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:26 pm

I am thinking of buying the disk version of Strat.
How many here play Netleagues?
Can anyone tell me how it works? or how they are formed?
How often do people play over the course of a week?
Thanks for any input.
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Postby MoCrash » Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:55 pm

I can answer some of your questions, although there are veterans who can be more helpful if you need more specifics.

First, I would recommend buying the Strat CD-ROM set. It's fun to play even if not in a Net league. When you buy v.10, the disc contains all of the rosters to-date (you'll also want to go to the SOM web site for a free upgrade to 10.01; it corrects some of the problems on the disc). If you want color ballparks, it's extra. You may or may not want the printed cards; they, too, are extra.

To add individual seasons, other than the one in the original set (I started with 2004) you will need to order them ($20 each). SOM will send you authorization codes for each upgrade.

There are a lot of Net leagues out there, most of which have been established for a long time and are franchises of their own. It's hard to find openings in some of them, but there are always a few. The type of league one joins will determine what you need to purchase from SOM. For example, I'm in a start-up group called the Negro League Project, where we mix Negro League, Caribbean, Japanese players with a couple of Hall of Famers and the 1934 MLB season (and using those ball parks). The HOF and 1934 rosters require authorization codes; the others don't since they use cards created elsewhere from available stats.

Our league will play two series a week, with the opposing managers deciding when they can play head to head. I'd say most of us are TSN regulars, like Munich Man. Playing the games is relatively simple ... one team hosts and the visitor hooks up to his IP. You play it pretty much the way you do on CD-ROM, but without some of the extras, and the host team sends the stats to the league commissioner (I'm a little fuzzy on how that works myself, but there's a way to do it). He then will post or e-mail the results weekly. The game play is a little slow, but it's still fun.

Without a league, or at least a group of players who like to play regularly, it's hard to get up a game. Most of that is merely not knowing who does NetPlay and how available they may be for it. I go through periods where I can play every night, but then stretches where two or three times a week is difficult because of my job demands. However, if you get all the gear you need -- at least the basic set -- PM me and I'll try to guide you through it (it helps if you have a live chat program, like Yahoo! Messenger in my case). If you're an old Strat board gamer, you'll probably like it.
Last edited by MoCrash on Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby aceventura55369 » Tue Nov 15, 2005 9:57 pm

Right now there are about 20-30 people who play Netplay, but that number has been grwoing steadily. We usually formt hem right here on the boards look for a new one forming the next couple of weeks. We usually play 3 series/weekly so about an 4 - 4.5 hour commitment each week. If you have more questions let me know, I'm more than happy to help.
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Postby OyTheBilly » Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:00 pm

We have a league that's starting up that will be using the HOF set, the 1934 set, and a homemade Negro League set. We have one guy that is on the fence about playing and could maybe use you. How soon are you interested in diving into this? :)

Here is the thread...
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Postby MoCrash » Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:21 pm

That's the same league I'm in, vrabek. Guys I've played with so far are good guys, so I think it will be fun. We're getting ready to draft soon, but -- speaking only for myself -- I can wait a couple of weeks to get someone up and running if they'll contribute to the league's positive environment. I also wouldn't mind trying to get the league up to 12 teams.
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Postby MICHAELSCIANATICO » Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:53 pm

Thank you all for the input, I am looking to place an order in over the weekend for the CD-ROM version.
I like the TSN version here, but my funds do not allow me to spend freely
Looking for a more economical way to play one of my favorite games.
I do enjoy the board game much more than this.
Thanks again!
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Postby OyTheBilly » Wed Nov 16, 2005 9:20 pm

The initial outlay for the computer game and the season data sets necessary to play in our league is more than a couple of bits, but as far as long term bang for your buck, you can't beat it.

The initial outlay for the computer game and the season data sets necessary to play in our league is more than a couple of bits, but in the long-term the overall bang for you buck makes it worth, IMO.

Here are the dollar requirements for our league...

Total cost, if you don't currently own a thing, is as follows:
SOM computer game: $59.95
card image option: $5.00 (not required but highly recommended)
1934 season data: $20.00
HOF set data: $20.00
Total: $104.95
+ shipping

Are you interested? :)
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