First Minute Maid team could use some veteran assistance

First Minute Maid team could use some veteran assistance

Postby ndowdy » Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:38 pm

This is my first MM team and I've had a bad run with year's cards to boot, so I could really use any suggestions from some experienced vets.
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Postby TXBuddy » Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:34 am

I like your team but would look for a couple more RH hitters with good ratings vs. RH pitching. Jason Lane comes to mind but there are a few more like him. Good luck!
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Postby geekor » Sun Feb 25, 2007 11:53 am

You have a McAfee and another MM team in your division, but that Yankee team is almost all L vs R. I would dump Blanton for Vargas, can pitch anywhere with no BP Hr's, good agaisnt his team, and when nto spot starting can come in to relieve.

I'd also play Kent at 2b, But you have no leadoff, #2 guys. I'd get the famous Garabito/Young platoon at DH for leadoff, then maybe J Michaels (never used him always seemed to underperform for others) for the #2 spot in LF? Drew makes a good #2 hitter, unfortunetly his injury makes him almost unplayable.
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Postby the splinter » Sun Feb 25, 2007 1:24 pm

I think you are leaving good money on the table. You don't need 11 pitchers. You want Heilman to get as many innings as possible. I would drop either Novoa or Hawkins. You are in a hard RHH division so you can get by with one hard LH guy. Also, cutting Lawrence for a 5th Sp at .50 gives you an extra .27 . All in all this should net you an extra million bucks.
the splinter
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Postby Play By The Rules » Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:42 am

Pick up Spurling or Seanez to go with Heilman. There are a lot of great non-* SP bargains in your park, including Dessens, Wang, Claussen, Loe, etc. I don't really like any of your * pitchers but maybe keep one (Garcia? Garland?) and consider using non *s to round out your staff.

Lineup is good, but I don't love Langerhans (I understand you need a third LH bat in your lineup though.)

I like cheapie closers (Looper, Mercker, etc.) instead of the cheapies you've chosen. That way you can sequester up to four cheap pitchers, assuring they won't pitch until late in the game when HAL is a bit better about pitching by matchup.

Good luck!
Play By The Rules
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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