by KEVINEHLE » Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:59 pm
Geekor, I think you just made Cristano's point. :D
I think Cristano is looking for these two scenarios:
1. Regular season ends in September
2. 1st week of October: Regular season stats are run through a Strato Computer and auto-creates the cards and prints a million cards of each player.
3. 2nd week of October: Trained monkeys rubberband the players together and stick in rectangular pre-fabbed Strato Boxes.
4. 3rd week of October: Games ready to ship to thousands of Strato fans.
1. Regular season ends in September
2. 1st week of October: Super Strato Computer (SSC) has regular season stats fed into the system and creates on-line cards for each player. Trained monkeys create ballpark effects.
3. 2nd week of October: Computer nerds input on-line cards and ballpark effects into pre-established game engine. (Can all be done in one week, since SOM computer nerds have no life outside of computers and strato).
4. 3rd week of October: SOM sucks out tens of thousands of dollars from us Strato playing fanatics!
5. 4th week of October: Bernie gets numerous complaints about several topics.
Based on these scenarios, we should be playing strato on-line right around the time the World Series for that season is being played!!
I think it all sounds realistic! 8) 8)