by durantjerry » Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:49 pm
You must watch the results carefully to see what mystery card you end up with. A good looking team can turn to crap and visa versa once the season starts. My three best teams are ones I liked the least to start and got stuck with guys no one else wanted, but it's better to be lucky than good as far as getting a good year vs a bad year. Most important is to determine what you do have and make cuts/adds to compensate. The longer you wait, the more it costs you, so the quicker you make the correct judgement, the better. You will end up using some unexpected platoons due to finding out what you have and adjusting. See the 80's game bulletin for more info on how to be a beginner, as it's the same mystery with 1980's themed players, but the game has been around a lot longer.