Postby HUDAMAN » Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:05 pm

Rob and Jeep, I've always suspected the same thing. I've seen too many times when the same player will go down on the same night. I've even had guys go down in three leagues in the same night. I think there is something to that theory that each player get certain rolls that are used in simming all the games. If they happen to lose the coin flip on that particular role, they get injured. It's harder to track other thing events, but injuries stand out. I hate injuries.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:25 pm

[quote:042896e2cb]Do you still have my phone Number? [/quote:042896e2cb]

Yes, it's stored in my cell 8)
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Weather has been nice...

Postby ROBERTVOZZA » Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:22 am

But the air quality lately has been the pits. If you suffer from any kind of allergies - And believe me, there are really different allergens out here than the East coast. Be sure to pickup some Clariden D and maybe something with allergy relief for your eyes.

I know you'll be doing a lot of outdoor activities and you wouldn't want to bog down with some kind of sinus infection while on vacation.

I never had asthma until I moved to Phoenix. It used to be mostly dust and other particulates. But we are now the 5th largest city in the US, so we have a lot of auto exhaust and Spring is in full bloom - So the pollen count is super high right now. Up north, where it is still winter - Neither the pollens nor the auto pollution will be a problem. You can get sunburn here in March, so if either you or your wife are lite skinned, sunblock is highly recommended.

Just some little helpful hints. I have been here around 16-17 yrs now, work outside everyday and have adapted, but still need the decongestant and antihistimines to breathe. but i remember how extremely different it was when I moved here from Connecticut.
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Postby Jeepdriver » Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:25 pm

I do have sinus trouble regularly and know going in it will pose some problems. Due to migraine meds I have to take, the over-the-counter antihistamines don't mix well. I foresee a very dry nose for me, a drawback for sure but I am north of phoenix except for the last couple of days so hopefully it won't be too bad. I have been to Phoenix once before and to Vegas a few times,,all of which zapped my sinuses big time. Thanks for the helpful hints. 8)
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Postby HUDAMAN » Fri Mar 09, 2007 12:18 pm

Do you get to drink champagne when you clinch a wild card spot? Probably not, but there is some joy in the Swarmers clubhouse, after clinching a playoff berth, despite losing 2 of 3 yet again to Jeeps squad. I'm really glad I won't be seeing any more of your 2006 edition teams. A meaningless series tonight against KD, and then on to post season. At least I salvaged something from this lost 2006 season. I've managed to get over the .500 mark, and with 7 teams still playing, I have a few more shots at the playoffs and maybe another title. All is not lost, but I'm ready for 2007

C2, your friend in that other league kicked all our butts, but I did manage to make a grand comeback with my squad, and I'm tied for the WC with one night remaining in the season. I'm less than 50/50 as the other guy owns the tiebreaker, but it was an incredible turnaround. Nonetheless, Casey is a tough manager!
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Postby cummings2 » Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:51 pm

I meant to ask you about that league/team Lee, I saw Casey about a week or two ago, very quickly since we're both uber busy lately but we didn't get much chance to go into her league.

Good to hear you made the comeback, this was the team with Duffy in CF that that lucky commented on, right? I think it was USCELL, can't remember, all I remember is we chatted some Lineups in the main forum.

Casey [i:9b953b910c]is[/i:9b953b910c] tough -Wisconsin girls can be- she knows her baseball quite well, she is very new to strat but she has helped me look after my teams when I get too busy to check in. She is a bit more Pitching crazy than me. Hope you get the good bounces and eke to the playoffs.

It's been fun being chased by Biggie in this league... makes me feel attractive :D

-I go into a sink or swim final series against him...with a 4 in SS :shock:

Good luck y'all
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Postby HUDAMAN » Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:27 am

Wisconsin...... that explains it.... :D

Yep, that was the team, finished 88-74, but 1 game out of the WC, and 7 back of Casey. SteveP also has a team in the league that won 98 games, so it was feast or famine.

My stiffs managd to sweep KDs stiffs last night, so we're brimming with confidence and momentum. Two sure signs that we'll be swept in the semis.....

Just happy to have made the playoffs against this bunch. Still haven't figured out how it all worked, but I'll take it.
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Postby ArrylT » Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:33 am

Well it would have been nice to have won 1 last night - but at least I kept my streak of not losing more than 90 games alive. Kudos to the playoff teams!
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Postby alphonso » Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:04 pm

Congrats to the playoff teams!

I can't believe I thought I could 'get' C2 or anyone else for that matter with my pathetic team.

On to 2007, I say.......

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Postby cummings2 » Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:06 pm

For the longest time I thought your team would get me and get the division Phons. AT's team had a great run for a while. Tough league.
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