Took a different route to my draft last night,
I loaded up my hitting wish list and filled that out first and then took the money left and built my draft for pitching.
Ok, so not that big of a deal,......then I ranked my players.....My starting 9 at the top, then a couple pitchers and the remaining junk at the bottom.
I figured I would get 4-5 hitters that I wanted and then would be able to build my pitching with left over cash and waivers.
Still not that big of a stretch right.......
Then I picked my park......(this is when I must have been smoking)
I chose AT&T park....a pitchers park after I had just spent the last hour building a hitting team.
It isn't really bad, but c'mon, I should have at least picked a balanced park to get use out of my hitters....
Now I am stuck with no pitching and a lot of BPHR's......lots of work to do here.
[b:33cec28ddb]Any Ideas:[/b:33cec28ddb] Other Parks (Shea, Cell and RFK) in my division.
Also have a Kaufmann, 2 more AT&T, 2 Angels, Rogers, Metro, Yankee in League