I must be High!!!!

I must be High!!!!

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:50 pm

Took a different route to my draft last night,

I loaded up my hitting wish list and filled that out first and then took the money left and built my draft for pitching.

Ok, so not that big of a deal,......then I ranked my players.....My starting 9 at the top, then a couple pitchers and the remaining junk at the bottom.

I figured I would get 4-5 hitters that I wanted and then would be able to build my pitching with left over cash and waivers.

Still not that big of a stretch right.......

Then I picked my park......(this is when I must have been smoking)

I chose AT&T park....a pitchers park after I had just spent the last hour building a hitting team.

It isn't really bad, but c'mon, I should have at least picked a balanced park to get use out of my hitters....

Now I am stuck with no pitching and a lot of BPHR's......lots of work to do here.

[b:33cec28ddb]Any Ideas:[/b:33cec28ddb] Other Parks (Shea, Cell and RFK) in my division.

Also have a Kaufmann, 2 more AT&T, 2 Angels, Rogers, Metro, Yankee in League

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Postby visick » Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:00 pm

Bodie...you must be high because this team really isn't too bad.

I'm heading to the gym right now, so I'll check back later on.
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Postby visick » Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:11 pm

Some of the +'s:

Non-BP dependant guys:
Escobar (when healthy)
Great SLG team

plus others that are going to hit anywhere. ie. The StL. 1B, Tejada, Jones etc...

The -'s:
Very weak BP
SP that gives up ALOT of hits, and you're in a park that should shut down hits.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:11 pm


You are correct, I just put the numbers in my "secret number cruncher"

and actually it turned out very good.

Problem now, is that I am thinking about dumping Ross (and all the BPHR) to get Redmond. It will reduce the number of Homers by a lot, but does help out in every other area.

[b:b3a7475558]With Ross[/b:b3a7475558], My starting 9 (with Reed Johnson)(have him slated in Waivers)

This is what I get

Vs. Lefty (ave)

Hits = 35.1
OB = 45.52
TB = 59.73
HR's = 5.41
BP # = 4.56
Clutch= (5.41)
DP = 16.33

Vs. Righty

Hits = 29.62
OB = 41.29
TB = 49.66
HR = 4.03
BP# = 4.33
Clutch = (4.89)
DP = 18.44
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:11 pm

[b:0e23f834b3]With Redmond[/b:0e23f834b3]

Vs. Lefty

Hits = 38.43
OB = 46.99
TB = 58.08
HR = 3.44
BP# = 3.67
DP = 18.56

Vs. Righty

Hits = 31.66
OB = 42.10
TB = 49.79
HR = 3.50
BP# = 3.56
Clutch = (5.44)
DP = 20.00

If I end up doing this, I am gonna have to be real creative on Pitching and would love some feedback on how to keep myself in the game to let my hitting do what it is supposed to do.
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Postby RangerJoe » Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:40 pm

I see many 50-homer seasons down the road for the Ross card. 8)
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:08 pm


Here is the final tally after waivers

Pitching = 21.36 M

Hitting = 58.64 M

We shall see if the Hitting can keep the pitching out of too much trouble

I haven't ever been this extreme before, but what the heck....I still have all year to make up for the 100 Losses :o :o :o

There are an over abundance of pitchers parks, so my fingers are crossed.

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Postby wallywolk » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:02 pm

For what it's worth, I think your team isn't bad. Yes, pitching may be weak in spots but I think you may be quite competitive here.

Good luck and hope your kick some real good you know what!!
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