Need Two More for $100 Mil. DH League, 16-Round Live Draft

Need Two More for $100 Mil. DH League, 16-Round Live Draft

Postby Al Hogg » Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:07 am

We need two more owners for a $100 million DH league with 2007 cards.

We'll do a 16-round live draft (15 players and a UNIQUE stadium) on [url][/url]. Default waiver wire approach.

The League Name will be 007. Team names at least tangentially related to James Bond are encouraged but not required.

The site is supposed to be set up for 2007 cards today, so we are hoping we can get two more owners signing up with "Pick 3" states this morning, use today's lottery numbers to set draft order and division and get going with the draft this weekend.

The league features a core group of owners starting their 5th year of three leagues a year (one using the whole player pool, one NL players only, one AL players only). That includes me (former user ID "Elko Skipper"), He's Meat, Tom Siebert ("BalmerBaseball"), BED ("Sgt D"), and Kramed. The other folks in the league so far have been with us at least through the last two leagues last year.

The Message Board tend to be quite active.

We'd love to get back owners who have played in our leagues in the past, but are open for new blood as well.

If you are interested, see the thread on this board called "Meat Tom SGTD Mark Tater Terry DJL RGimbel Turtle Glenn Cal":


Once we get the final two owners signed up on that thread, we'll set up a "007 League" thread on the Individual League chat board.
Al Hogg
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby ColFalkland » Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:35 am

Are you guys open for a rookie? If so I will give this a shot, if not no worries. If you let me in Texas night pick 3

Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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