SOM PLAYERS TOUR LEADERS (Thru Event 7, Leagues 1-3)

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

SOM PLAYERS TOUR LEADERS (Thru Event 7, Leagues 1-3)

Postby cristano11 » Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:06 am

Here are the tour leaders in various categories (includes all General Managers who still can achieve the Tour minimum 5 events participated in... (events completed in parenthesis).
1. Event 7 Leagues 1-3 are updated thru making playoffs. Additional points will be added once each round of playoffs completes.
2. A new field has been added which tracks current position in Event 7. For example, [b:9dd926c2fe]+03/-05[/b:9dd926c2fe] would mean that in Event 7, that manager is [b:9dd926c2fe]3 up[/b:9dd926c2fe] on the Wildcard position, but [b:9dd926c2fe]5 back[/b:9dd926c2fe] of his division leader.
3. For the great majority of managers, making playoffs vs not making playoffs in Event 7 is going to control who makes the Final 12. I will try to update this frequently.
4. Please let me know if you see any errors, I am quite hungover making this update.
[b:9dd926c2fe]Last updated Fri Jan 13th 08:00pm[/b:9dd926c2fe]

[b:9dd926c2fe]AVG TOUR POINTS:[/b:9dd926c2fe]
01 cristano1 115.0 (5)
02 Woods007 109.2 (5)
03 etdefender 108.5 (6)
04 kaviksdad 106.7 (7)
05 UTBill 105.8 (4) -12/-16 (03)
06 marcus wilby 105.3 (7)
07 RiggoDrill 102.5 (6)
08 uncle ny 101.7 (6)
09 mesquiton 101.6 (5)
10 spicki17 99.8 (6)
11 Coffeeholic 99.0 (6) +04/+04 (03)
12 bigmahon 97.8 (6)
13 Detroit-Tigers 97.8 (4) -10/-14 (03)
14 J-Pav 97.4 (7)
15 Great Unwashed 97.0 (6)
16 Zimharry 96.2 (5)
17 giddyup81 95.1 (7)
18 Chuckul 95.0 (5)
19 BigAlric 94.9 (7)
20 dneedle1 94.9 (7)
21 Moodywoody 94.8 (5)
22 ArrylT 94.0 (7)
23 pacoboy 93.1 (7)
24 Cubs48 92.8 (5)
25 rob94509 92.7 (6)
26 Jeepdriver 92.3 (7)
27 bob711 91.5 (6) -10/-08 (03)
28 hendrix08 90.9 (7)
29 pope mollusk vi 90.9 (7)
30 Rigged Splits 90.9 (7)
31 ksher58 90.7 (6)
32 Novie 90.2 (5)
33 EDERIFIC 90.0 (6)
34 abnerdoubleday 89.6 (5)
35 teepack 89.4 (7)
36 Sykes25 89.0 (7)
37 vol_fan 89.0 (6)
38 Mav 1 88.8 (6) -02/+05 (03)
39 penngray 88.8 (6) -07/-05 (03)
40 sandlotshrink 88.4 (7)
41 alphonso1 88.2 (5)
42 freakfrosh182 88.2 (5)
43 jaydingess 87.8 (5)
44 toshiro 87.8 (5)
45 korkie 87.7 (6)
46 PML97 87.4 (5) -12/-10 (03)
47 Woody5 86.9 (7)
48 colorado99 86.8 (6) -10/-08 (03)
49 qksilver 86.8 (6)
50 JaserD 86.0 (5)
51 nythawk 85.4 (7)
52 fowldawg 85.0 (5)
53 rudys raiders 85.0 (5)
54 Bbrool 84.8 (6)
55 Stoney18 84.2 (5)
56 T.Richardson 84.2 (6) +07/-04 (03)
57 brad0007 84.0 (6) -13/-11 (03)
58 Mr. Baseball World 84.0 (5)
59 superflymacdaddyjuice 84.0 (7)
60 Jack377 82.7 (6) -02/+10 (03)
61 wockenfuss 82.4 (7)
62 charliewb 82.0 (5)
63 RangerJoe 80.8 (5)
64 JAMIE399 80.3 (7)
65 errormagnate 79.7 (7)
66 tersignf 79.2 (5)
67 Johnny Cocoabutter 77.6 (5)
68 edgecitytx 77.5 (6) -16/-14 (03)
69 Ineluki 77.1 (7)
70 CollegeKid 76.6 (5)
71 Cubit 73.5 (6)
72 WARRIOR0510 71.1 (7)

[b:9dd926c2fe]EVENT 7 SCENARIOS:[/b:9dd926c2fe]
Scenario #1 = miss playoffs
Scenario #2 = win WC lose semis
Scenario #3 = win DIV lose semis
Scenario #4 = win WC win semis lose finals
Scenario #5 = win DIV win semis lose finals
Scenario #6 = win WC win championship
Scenario #7 = win DIV win championship
All scenarios assume that Event 7 winning pct to date carries over for 162 games

RK MANAGER #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
cristano1 110.0 112.0 115.0
Woods007 109.2 111.2 114.2
UTBill 98.9 102.9 103.9 104.9 105.9 107.9 108.9
kaviksdad 105.3 106.7 108.9
marcus wilby
uncle ny
RiggoDrill 100.8 102.5 105.0
spicki17 99.8 101.5 104.0
Coffeeholic 98.4 101.2 101.9 102.6 103.4 104.8 105.5
Detroit-Tigers 94.4 98.4 99.4 100.4 101.4 103.4 104.4
Great Unwashed
Chuckul 95.0 97.0 100.0
ArrylT 94.0 95.4 97.6
bob711 89.4 92.3 93.0 93.7 94.4 95.9 96.6
pope mollusk vi
Rigged Splits
Moodywoody 89.8 91.8 94.8
Sykes25 89.0 90.4 92.6
Mav 1 88.5 91.3 92.1 92.8 93.5 94.9 95.6
penngray 88.1 91.0 91.7 92.4 93.1 94.5 95.2
PML97 85.7 89.0 89.8 90.7 91.5 93.2 94.0
sandlotshrink 87.0 88.4 90.6
Woody5 86.9 88.3 90.4
colorado99 85.8 88.7 89.4 90.1 90.8 92.2 93.0
teepack 85.9 87.3 89.4
rudys raiders
T.Richardson 84.9 87.7 88.4 89.2 89.9 91.3 92.0
brad0007 82.2 85.1 85.8 86.5 87.2 88.7 89.4
Mr. Baseball World
Jack377 83.2 86.1 86.8 87.5 88.2 89.6 90.3
Johnny Cocoabutter
edgecitytx 77.0 79.9 80.6 81.3 82.0 83.5 84.2

[b:9dd926c2fe]AVG TOUR WINNING PCT:[/b:9dd926c2fe]
01 cristano1 .556 (5)
02 RiggoDrill .545 (6)
03 uncle ny .545 (6)
04 UTBill .545 (4)
05 marcus wilby .540 (7)
06 Woods007 .532 (5)
07 giddyup81 .530 (7)
08 Detroit-Tigers .526 (4)
09 bob711 .524 (6)
10 Coffeeholic .524 (6)
11 kaviksdad .522 (7)
12 mesquiton .522 (5)
13 etdefender .521 (6)
14 hendrix08 .521 (7)
15 penngray .517 (6)
16 abnerdoubleday .516 (5)
17 ArrylT .514 (7)
18 Novie .514 (5)
19 Zimharry .514 (5)
20 pacoboy .513 (7)
21 BigAlric .511 (7)
22 Cubs48 .511 (5)
23 colorado99 .510 (6)
24 J-Pav .509 (7)
25 PML97 .509 (5)
26 pope mollusk vi .508 (7)
27 Rigged Splits .508 (7)
28 spicki17 .508 (6)
29 Mav 1 .507 (6)
30 dneedle1 .506 (7)
31 fowldawg .506 (5)
32 sandlotshrink .506 (7)
33 jaydingess .505 (5)
34 korkie .505 (6)
35 Jeepdriver .504 (7)
36 alphonso1 .501 (5)
37 bigmahon .501 (6)
38 Great Unwashed .501 (6)
39 Sykes25 .501 (7)
40 qksilver .500 (6)
41 rob94509 .500 (6)
42 Moodywoody .499 (5)
43 toshiro .499 (5)
44 wockenfuss .496 (7)
45 Woody5 .496 (7)
46 teepack .495 (7)
47 Chuckul .494 (5)
48 EDERIFIC .494 (6)
49 Mr. Baseball World .494 (5)
50 T.Richardson .494 (6)
51 brad0007 .493 (6)
52 ksher58 .493 (6)
53 errormagnate .492 (7)
54 tersignf .489 (5)
55 Bbrool .488 (6)
56 nythawk .488 (7)
57 superflymacdaddyjuice .488 (7)
58 vol_fan .488 (6)
59 freakfrosh182 .483 (5)
60 RangerJoe .480 (5)
61 Jack377 .479 (6)
62 Johnny Cocoabutter .479 (5)
63 edgecitytx .478 (6)
64 Ineluki .476 (7)
65 charliewb .475 (5)
66 rudys raiders .475 (5)
67 CollegeKid .473 (5)
68 Stoney18 .470 (5)
69 JAMIE399 .469 (7)
70 JaserD .469 (5)
71 Cubit .454 (6)
72 WARRIOR0510 .439 (7)

[b:9dd926c2fe]AVG TOUR RS/RA:[/b:9dd926c2fe](Total Runs Scored in Tour Events) / (Total Runs Allowed in Tour Events)
01 cristano1 1.122 (5)
02 marcus wilby 1.113 (7)
03 RiggoDrill 1.099 (6)
04 giddyup81 1.083 (7)
05 uncle ny 1.068 (6)
06 Woods007 1.066 (5)
07 ArrylT 1.062 (7)
08 mesquiton 1.061 (5)
09 kaviksdad 1.055 (7)
10 jaydingess 1.046 (5)
11 J-Pav 1.045 (7)
12 Great Unwashed 1.043 (6)
13 Novie 1.040 (5)
14 Zimharry 1.038 (5)
15 UTBill 1.037 (4)
16 Coffeeholic 1.035 (6)
17 bob711 1.034 (6)
18 pope mollusk vi 1.034 (7)
19 hendrix08 1.033 (7)
20 abnerdoubleday 1.030 (5)
21 dneedle1 1.028 (7)
22 Jeepdriver 1.026 (7)
23 Detroit-Tigers 1.025 (4)
24 PML97 1.024 (5)
25 sandlotshrink 1.023 (7)
26 spicki17 1.023 (6)
27 Mav 1 1.019 (6)
28 wockenfuss 1.019 (7)
29 edgecitytx 1.018 (6)
30 etdefender 1.018 (6)
31 Sykes25 1.018 (7)
32 colorado99 1.017 (6)
33 bigmahon 1.016 (6)
34 fowldawg 1.014 (5)
35 pacoboy 1.012 (7)
36 penngray 1.010 (6)
37 superflymacdaddyjuice 1.009 (7)
38 Moodywoody 1.006 (5)
39 alphonso1 1.004 (5)
40 korkie 1.004 (6)
41 toshiro 1.004 (5)
42 Rigged Splits 1.003 (7)
43 Cubs48 1.001 (5)
44 T.Richardson 0.995 (6)
45 BigAlric 0.994 (7)
46 qksilver 0.989 (6)
47 rob94509 0.978 (6)
48 JAMIE399 0.977 (7)
49 Woody5 0.977 (7)
50 errormagnate 0.976 (7)
51 tersignf 0.976 (5)
52 JaserD 0.975 (5)
53 Mr. Baseball World 0.970 (5)
54 nythawk 0.969 (7)
55 Ineluki 0.967 (7)
56 brad0007 0.963 (6)
57 vol_fan 0.962 (6)
58 freakfrosh182 0.959 (5)
59 ksher58 0.959 (6)
60 EDERIFIC 0.958 (6)
61 Johnny Cocoabutter 0.958 (5)
62 CollegeKid 0.952 (5)
63 Bbrool 0.951 (6)
64 Chuckul 0.950 (5)
65 rudys raiders 0.950 (5)
66 Stoney18 0.947 (5)
67 teepack 0.947 (7)
68 RangerJoe 0.944 (5)
69 charliewb 0.942 (5)
70 Cubit 0.933 (6)
71 Jack377 0.933 (6)
72 WARRIOR0510 0.909 (7)

[b:9dd926c2fe]AVG TOUR PLAYOFFS MADE:[/b:9dd926c2fe]
(Percent of times made playoffs in completed tour events)
01 RiggoDrill 83% (6)
02 cristano1 80% (5)
03 Woods007 80% (5)
04 UTBill 75% (4)
05 kaviksdad 71% (7)
06 marcus wilby 71% (7)
07 Coffeeholic 67% (6)
08 etdefender 67% (6)
09 uncle ny 67% (6)
10 Chuckul 60% (5)
11 mesquiton 60% (5)
12 Zimharry 60% (5)
13 J-Pav 57% (7)
14 Rigged Splits 57% (7)
15 EDERIFIC 50% (6)
16 Great Unwashed 50% (6)
17 rob94509 50% (6)
18 spicki17 50% (6)
19 vol_fan 50% (6)
20 ArrylT 43% (7)
21 BigAlric 43% (7)
22 dneedle1 43% (7)
23 giddyup81 43% (7)
24 Jeepdriver 43% (7)
25 abnerdoubleday 40% (5)
26 Cubs48 40% (5)
27 jaydingess 40% (5)
28 Moodywoody 40% (5)
29 Novie 40% (5)
30 rudys raiders 40% (5)
31 Stoney18 40% (5)
32 toshiro 40% (5)
33 bigmahon 33% (6)
34 bob711 33% (6)
35 brad0007 33% (6)
36 colorado99 33% (6)
37 ksher58 33% (6)
38 Mav 1 33% (6)
39 penngray 33% (6)
40 qksilver 33% (6)
41 hendrix08 29% (7)
42 pacoboy 29% (7)
43 pope mollusk vi 29% (7)
44 sandlotshrink 29% (7)
45 Sykes25 29% (7)
46 teepack 29% (7)
47 Woody5 29% (7)
48 Detroit-Tigers 25% (4)
49 alphonso1 20% (5)
50 charliewb 20% (5)
51 fowldawg 20% (5)
52 freakfrosh182 20% (5)
53 JaserD 20% (5)
54 Mr. Baseball World 20% (5)
55 PML97 20% (5)
56 RangerJoe 20% (5)
57 Bbrool 17% (6)
58 Jack377 17% (6)
59 korkie 17% (6)
60 T.Richardson 17% (6)
61 JAMIE399 14% (7)
62 nythawk 14% (7)
63 superflymacdaddyjuice 14% (7)
64 wockenfuss 14% (7)
65 CollegeKid 0% (5)
66 Cubit 0% (6)
67 edgecitytx 0% (6)
68 errormagnate 0% (7)
69 Ineluki 0% (7)
70 Johnny Cocoabutter 0% (5)
71 tersignf 0% (5)
72 WARRIOR0510 0% (7)

[b:9dd926c2fe]AVG TOUR FINALS WON:[/b:9dd926c2fe]
(Percent of tour events won)
01 etdefender 50% (6)
02 bigmahon 33% (6)
03 BigAlric 29% (7)
04 pacoboy 29% (7)
05 Detroit-Tigers 25% (4)
06 alphonso1 20% (5)
07 Chuckul 20% (5)
08 freakfrosh182 20% (5)
09 JaserD 20% (5)
10 mesquiton 20% (5)
11 rudys raiders 20% (5)
12 Woods007 20% (5)
13 Bbrool 17% (6)
14 EDERIFIC 17% (6)
15 Great Unwashed 17% (6)
16 Jack377 17% (6)
17 korkie 17% (6)
18 ksher58 17% (6)
19 Mav 1 17% (6)
20 spicki17 17% (6)
21 dneedle1 14% (7)
22 hendrix08 14% (7)
23 Jeepdriver 14% (7)
24 J-Pav 14% (7)
25 kaviksdad 14% (7)
26 nythawk 14% (7)
27 pope mollusk vi 14% (7)
28 Sykes25 14% (7)
29 abnerdoubleday 0% (5)
30 ArrylT 0% (7)
31 bob711 0% (6)
32 brad0007 0% (6)
33 charliewb 0% (5)
34 Coffeeholic 0% (6)
35 CollegeKid 0% (5)
36 colorado99 0% (6)
37 cristano1 0% (5)
38 Cubit 0% (6)
39 Cubs48 0% (5)
40 edgecitytx 0% (6)
41 errormagnate 0% (7)
42 fowldawg 0% (5)
43 giddyup81 0% (7)
44 Ineluki 0% (7)
45 JAMIE399 0% (7)
46 jaydingess 0% (5)
47 Johnny Cocoabutter 0% (5)
48 marcus wilby 0% (7)
49 Moodywoody 0% (5)
50 Mr. Baseball World 0% (5)
51 Novie 0% (5)
52 penngray 0% (6)
53 PML97 0% (5)
54 qksilver 0% (6)
55 RangerJoe 0% (5)
56 Rigged Splits 0% (7)
57 RiggoDrill 0% (6)
58 rob94509 0% (6)
59 sandlotshrink 0% (7)
60 Stoney18 0% (5)
61 superflymacdaddyjuice 0% (7)
62 T.Richardson 0% (6)
63 teepack 0% (7)
64 tersignf 0% (5)
65 toshiro 0% (5)
66 uncle ny 0% (6)
67 UTBill 0% (4)
68 vol_fan 0% (6)
69 WARRIOR0510 0% (7)
70 wockenfuss 0% (7)
71 Woody5 0% (7)
72 Zimharry 0% (5)
Last edited by cristano11 on Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:22 pm, edited 37 times in total.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby ERICTAYLOR 2 » Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:45 pm

Looks like BigAlric may get squeezed out of the top 12 despite being one of only three managers with multiple tour titles. Which now brings me to my annual suggested rule change...multiple titles gets you a berth in the Finals, no matter your average score.
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Postby cristano11 » Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:36 pm

if were going to change some rules...might as well change the right ones...get rid of the tour formula...just base tour championship based on winning percentage alone...why should someone get an auto berth just for getting lucky and winning 2 finals? if one is going to award points, award points for making playoffs, thats it...everything else afterward is zero skill and 100% luck...
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Postby mesquiton » Mon Nov 21, 2005 10:14 pm

Cristano has the right idea, but I'd take it a step further...anybody who can't manage at least a 1.02 runs scored/runs allowed ratio over all their regular season tour games should be automatically disqualified from the finals, no matter how many league titles they luck into. :wink:
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Postby ERICTAYLOR 2 » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:53 am

When the football season is over, do they award playoff spots to the teams with the best Pts for/points against ratios?

Does the Lombardi trophy go to the team with the best regular-season record?

If we used your logic, the Braves would have 12 titles in the last 15 years instead of one.
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Postby ERICTAYLOR 2 » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:54 am

BTW, I had a 68-94 team in Event two that totally skewed my stats...

Incidentally, four of my eleven titles have come in Tour events or the JaserD tourney...that friends, isn't luck.
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Postby ERICTAYLOR 2 » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:57 am

[quote:62b1159346]everything else afterward is zero skill and 100% luck...[/quote:62b1159346]

That college kid must never get laid if he complains this much about never being able to "close the deal" :P

Of course, when I was in college and law school, the last thing I thought about was simulated baseball! :P
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Postby kaviksdad » Tue Nov 22, 2005 11:14 am

ET - multiple league championships didn't get us anything for last year, and no consideration when discussing rule changes to this year's Tour. I know multiple titles aren't worth much this year either, and I don't expect it will get any consideration in any rule changes adopted for next year. For some reason its quite alright to penalize someone for a truly horrible team that loses and loses big, but somehow its wrong to reward someone for great teams that "luck" into championships. I don't buy into the idea that playoff appearances or winning percentages are always superior ways to determine a manager's skill than championships. Playoff appearances don't always get you those extra credits - championships do.
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Thanks, etd,

Postby BigAlric » Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:12 pm

for your remarks. Yes it looks like I will be 'punished' for playing more events than I had to and screwing my average in events 6 and 7. But, hey, it's nice to be successful, but I play for the fun of it and I decided to take that 'risk', so I have to live with it.
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Postby cristano11 » Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:28 pm

i like and commend that attitude...thats how my bro spicki17 plays too...he just wants to play in every event, regardless of whether it hurts or helps his, i play in the league minimum...that way the star events count even more...
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