Can Anyone Explain How Mike Cameron Gave Up a Double in CF ?

Can Anyone Explain How Mike Cameron Gave Up a Double in CF ?

Postby TomSiebert » Wed Apr 04, 2007 4:05 pm

Here's the inning description of my opponent. Cameron is my CF.

*** TOP OF INNING 3 ***
0 C.Beltran 6 HBP b-1
0 1 R.Cano 7 Double & Error - CF 1-H b-H
0 A.Gonzalez 2 Single b-1
0 1 H.Ramirez 4 Double 1-3 b-2
0 23 A.Escobar 3 Strike Out b-0
1 23 M.Cabrera 3 Ground Out b-0
2 23 A.Soriano 6 Line Out b-0

I understand the error. I don't understand the double. Can anyone explain???

:? :shock: :cry:

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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Wed Apr 04, 2007 4:12 pm

Cano hit a double, Cameron dropped the ball and Cano legged it out into home.
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Postby MEAT » Wed Apr 04, 2007 6:38 pm

tom, I used to have a link to the advanced fielding charts, but can't find it anywhere on this computer. without seeing it, can't confirm, but I didn't think a 1 could give up a double either. maybe he can do it again when I play ya. :P
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Postby Ninersphan » Wed Apr 04, 2007 7:45 pm

I have the charts, there is no way a 1 in CF gives up a double and an error. You may want to bring it to Bernie's attention.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:31 pm

how about on a rare play?
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Postby cummings2 » Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:40 pm

I am really a duffus when it comes to reading the Range/error but, with the charts in front of me:

OF-1 on the 20 sided dice:
There's 1/20 of having F1
There's 12/20 of having F2
There's 7/20 of having F3

For CF e7:
on the total of the three dice for error:

2 Rolls yield E2 (15&17)

in F3 E2 advances 2 bases
in F2 E2 advances 2 bases
in F1 E2 advances 2 bases & RP (5 roll) is OF crashes wall -2 bases

So, as I said I am a duffus with this stuff but unless I am wrong -again- I think there are several combos for a CF 1e7 to give two bases albeit low chance of getting those rolls but there are several ways of getting bad luck there.

Hopefully Dean will chime in, he's the zen master of all of this.

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Postby MEAT » Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:21 am

C2, the 2-base run scoring error isn't the problem, it's how does a 1 in cf give up a double?!
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Postby cummings2 » Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:23 am

Aaaaaah ...


Isn't the case that Cano hits a double and the error happens on the throw?
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thanks for the input....

Postby TomSiebert » Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:56 am

I used to have a link to the online charts, too, Meat, but my link is dead. The site probably got a "cease & desist" order from the game-makers, which is perfectly within their rights (until Google starts winning more lawsuits, anyway).

All that said, I never remember any situation where a 1 rating gives up a hit at any time. The only potential caveat here is Cummings2's point about Cano hitting a genuine double without the fielding chart, the runner Beltran trying to score from first, and Cameron's throw going awry and causing both runners to score.

For now, I'll buy that. But I'm also taking this over to the "Ask Bernie" page.

Thank you, everyone who weighed in on this. I appreciate the perspective of the community.

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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Thu Apr 05, 2007 7:39 am

[quote:fff9e35206="Detroit-Tigers"]Cano hit a double, Cameron dropped the ball and Cano legged it out into home.[/quote:fff9e35206]

Wow- how does C2 get credit for what I already pointed out?

1) He hit a double (Cano has been known to do that)
2) Cameron made an error (he has been known to do that)
3) Cano scored on the error (he took 2 bases)

0 1 R.Cano 7 Double & Error - CF 1-H b-H

Both of them scored on the play. The error didn't give up the double, the error let him score. If the error gave him the double it would be SIngle & Error - CF 1-H b-2.

Go Yankees.
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