by markp65 » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:55 pm
[quote:d65ff80682="Puckin Drunk"]In 1981 they carried games on KMOX here in St. Louis and played Strato games and put them to play by play on the radio. They used crowd noise and cheering and smacked 2 sticks together for the sound of a hit. Can you imagine Jack Buck and Mike Shannon and Ron Jacober calling games using Strato.[/quote:d65ff80682]
My friends and I were doing this down in the basement for years, albeit without the Budweiser sponsorship and the benefit of 50,000 watts of transmission power. Still, you can bet the family cat was enthrall to those dramatic Jim Rice walkoff homerun calls screamed into the Panasonic tape recorder. League commissioner, mom, was more rigorous than Bowie Kuhn with her "all games must conclude 5 minutes before supper" rule. Forget the reserve clause, Joe Rudi, orange baseballs and night games. This was one unyielding commish and I still have not forgiven her for thinking my Kit Kat smeared Mark Fidrych 19-9 season card was garbage! Mommmmm!!! NOT COOL!!!
[quote:d65ff80682="Puckin Drunk"]In 1981 there was a strike mid-way through the season and used this to fill time that was set aside for baseball to keep everyone into the season. Baseball finally resolved the strike and split the season in half with the Winners of each half to play a series to decide who would play in the World Series that year. The St. Louis Cardinals had the best overall record for the year in the National League in 1981 but did not go to the Playoffs because they finished 2nd in each half of the season......a Crying shame.[/quote:d65ff80682]
Bodie, next to the words "Denkinger" "rain tarp" and "Neil Allen" nothing burns the balls of a diehard Cardinals' fan like the phrase "split season." If it weren't for 1982, the 80s would have been a a powder-blue polyester-clad disaster. God bless Willie McGee and Whitey.