The Original USKL -- TSN Version 2011 (Chat Room)

Postby Detroit-Tigers » Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:42 am

Created the league. Frenzy. Advanced. 5/10/20 drop. Sending password out to my division.
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Postby AFDickie » Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:51 am

[b:b9b15cdb4b]PS Stoney[/b:b9b15cdb4b]; Fess up. Rollins must have given into "the juice" this year, no? 2 tonight in a losing effort vs. my (and NP's and maybe AFD's and sometimes Cubey and Chuck's) Mets and 5 so far on the season.

What gives???[/quote]

Yes they are my Mets too...but in every keeper league I'm in someone like ninersphan or yourself hoard all the Mets! Rollins should have a nice power card for next year :lol:
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Postby Stoney18 » Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:55 am

I'll trade Rollins' HR's for a little bullpen help. Damn, can't keep a lead.

Watched the last few games and as much of Mets Hater as I am, you have to fear their lineup. Hope your starters start struggling like everyone expects them to.

A few years ago Rollins had a little power surge and then started hitting a ton of fly balls. Not what you want from a fast lead off guy. We'll see if he's matured.
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Postby cirills » Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:56 pm

[quote:4cdd2384bc]Created the league. Frenzy. Advanced. 5/10/20 drop. Sending password out to my division. [/quote:4cdd2384bc]

[size=18:4cdd2384bc][b:4cdd2384bc]DO NOT SPREAD THAT WORD AND DO NOT ENTER THIS LEAGUE!!![/b:4cdd2384bc][/size:4cdd2384bc]

D-T, Please read my post if you were going to create the league.

It is NOT a 5/10/20 league -- it is a straight 10% penalty accross the board which I posted here on this thread. <sigh>

I will create the league myself later on.

[size=18:4cdd2384bc][b:4cdd2384bc]DO NOT ENTER THE LEAGUE D-T CREATED -- I WILL POST AN OFFICIAL NAME LATER!!![/b:4cdd2384bc][/size:4cdd2384bc]
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Postby Detroit-Tigers » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:03 pm

I recreated it, same password with 10%.

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Postby cirills » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:03 pm

[size=18:3e496661aa][b:3e496661aa]EVERYONE PLEASE READ THE POST ABOVE!!![/b:3e496661aa][/size:3e496661aa]

Meanhwile, QK is up with the last two picks of this draft.

And all the other threads have been updated thru Round 18.
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Postby cirills » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:06 pm



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Postby cirills » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:17 pm

TSN's game pages are down or struggling right now.

I'll do this a little later.

(grrrrr). :evil:
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Postby cirills » Fri Apr 13, 2007 1:29 pm

League has been created.

It is called: [size=15:6d3615c102][b:6d3615c102]The Original USKL[/b:6d3615c102][/size:6d3615c102] (and is the one created by me).

The password is: [size=15:6d3615c102][b:6d3615c102]elite[/b:6d3615c102][/size:6d3615c102]

(I don't think we need to worry about other people and forwarding passwords. Just enter in the proper divisions.
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Postby cummings2 » Fri Apr 13, 2007 2:02 pm

Mike Piazza DH Toronto? I thought he signed with the A's, on the other hand Thomas who was with the A's did signed with Toronto. I don't know, might be just me because...

(drumroll please)... It is now almost noon. [i:c1a87add00]NOON[/i:c1a87add00]!!! I just woke up / got of bed :D :D :D (techincally speaking I woke up a few hours ago, checked email and little stuff and went back to bed )

I feel like the newsest man in the world... aside from the 30-something years of wear and tear.

I feel Grrr-rreat!!!

-Sorry guys, not much sleep lately andI just felt like sharing good news.-
Posts: 55
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