Call for SOM Online bloggers

Call for SOM Online bloggers

Postby bernieh » Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:31 am

Hey everyone,

This isn't so much an official "call" as it is general encouragement. I'd like to encourage any and all of you to write/blog about Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online... whether you have thoughts about the game in general, or you want to call attention to some excitement brewing in the tournament you're in, or you simply want to complain about a series you lost last night. Click on "My SportingBlog" near the top of the page, start a blog if you haven't already, and just go and put pen to paper (so to speak).

From what I can tell by reading your forum posts, a lot of you seem to have good writing chops and I'd LOVE to read more about your insights on and experiences with SOM Online. We'll definitely highlight and link to all of you within the games so all SOM players - not just those of you here on the forums - can enjoy your content and get into the discussion.

For the next few weeks and months I'm most specifically looking for bloggers to cover the ATG Barnstormers Tour, and then the (not yet announced) SOM 2007 Players' Championship. If you look at [url=]the official tournament page of the Barnstormers Tour[/url] you'll see a (white) main news area at the top and a (grey) "Latest Headlines" area that's just begging for your news. The 2006 Players' Tournament was woefully missing fresh content the whole year long, and I'd like to rectify that this year.

Lastly, although again this is not an official "call", there IS something we have in the works for later on this year that WILL involve SOM bloggers, and we'll be looking to see who's been putting up the best blog posts and picking them to be featured and promoted.

Thanks and see you out there!
Last edited by bernieh on Wed May 09, 2007 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby cummings2 » Fri Apr 06, 2007 7:24 pm


I think I'll jump in with some coverage in both barnstormers and the 07 Players Championship. Likely that'll be the extent of my participation given my currrent schedule.

Do we have an est. date for the official tours to get going? Barnstormers seems to be a bit behind and there's no news on the 07 Championship as of yet.

Looking forward to the tours.

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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby palacekillers » Fri Apr 13, 2007 11:25 pm

Right on. I'm going to start a blog about my experience as a rookie in an advanced league and chart the ups and downs of the season.
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New Strat online player

Postby colecowboy » Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:05 am

I must say that I'm enjoying the format of online Stat when I didn't think I would. I played the old school table top version for years. I miss rolling the dice. What I don't like is the yo-yo nature or stat spikes in what I can only assume is the computers way of balancing out the numbers, for example I went from having the fewest runs aganist and the fewest errors in my league and after one series I gave up 8 errors ( 3 times as manny as my team had) and 34 runs fully half of my team total to date. In fact it was only in two game because in the second game my pitcher threw a no hitter?....the computer A.I. makes strange moves at times (like having a bad base stealer, steal second base with 2 outs and the guy at the plate is ****** in the clutch?...who would do that?) but all in all I think I'm hooked again, I love strat, I love looking at the cards and really enjoy looking at the box scores in the moring...


Yours in sport

the Cole Harbour Cowboy
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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