Would you like the Playoff seeding changed?

Would you like the playoff seeding changed?

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Would you like the Playoff seeding changed?

Postby geekor » Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:58 pm

Well I do, and others have mentioned their dislike for the current seeding system as well, but is it a majority?

Currently the best record plays the wild card winner. The other 2 play eachother.

But many many times I see the wilcard and the best record in the same division. Often, the WC team has the 2nd or 3rd best record in the league, only beihnd their division leader. Is it fair the 2 best records play in the first round?

I would personally like to see that is best record cannot play the WC in the first round, [i:0f935ed93c]if they are in the same division[/i:0f935ed93c], [u:0f935ed93c]just like in real baseball[/u:0f935ed93c]. Though I am not sure if others agree? So please chime in!

[i:0f935ed93c][size=9:0f935ed93c]Edit: of course the WC would never have home field during the first round, even when playing a team with a worse record.[/size:0f935ed93c][/i:0f935ed93c]
Last edited by geekor on Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby JEFFFESPERMAN » Tue Apr 17, 2007 1:50 pm

I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment Geekor. It does seem to be the rule rather than the exception that the two best teams in a league frequently find themselves in the same division, forcing a best-of-five showdown for the league championship in the semifinals while one of the weak sisters waltzes into the finals to offer token resistance.
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Postby FoggyOne » Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:26 pm

I would prefer if the teams were reseeded 1-4 based on their records head-to-head against each other (BUT still maintaing home field in the Semis for the superior teams in regular season won/lost ).
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Postby Free Radicals » Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:38 pm

Semi on the subject : I would like to see options on league formats . Lets say 3 -6 team divisions or 4 - 4 or 6 teams divisions . It would make for a whole different make up in the playoffs then . 12 -16-20-24 team options . I also think that all four teams in the current format should receive credits . Give the winner 2 like normal but you should get rewarded for even making the playoffs. Just my opinion . :wink:
Free Radicals
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:45 pm

I wholeheartedly agree Geekor,

I would also like to see 2, 7 game formats too. The 5 game semi's leave too much to chance and also doesn't give you much room to set up your rotation to fit that Semi's round especially if you are fighting for that last playoff spot.

You would obviously use your best pitchers just to get into the playoffs and then be stuck trying to figure out your rotation for the playoffs.

Especially with all of the 5 man staffs going in '07
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Postby davydrums » Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:11 pm

I would like to see 7 game semis with no 2 teams in the same division meeting.Division winners should still be awarded(home field)or the divisions mean nothing.
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Postby Assmeriten » Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:15 pm

I voted to change it haveing been involved too many times as either number 1 seed going up agains the WC team from my division or me bing the Wc and having to play the number 1 seed from my division in the first round. No reason for teams from same division to meet in the first round. Other thing that needs t be changed is the 2-2- 1 format and the 2-3-2 format since if the lower ranked seed splits the first 2 games, all they need to do is sweep in their park and advance to the finals. This just happened in 1 league I was in. I was number 1 seed, the WC was from my division, we split the 1st 2 games, then he won the next 2 in his park. Meanwhile the number 2 and 3 seeds also split the first 2 games, the number 3 seed swept at home so now we have number 3 seed meeting number 4 seed in the finals. What of course happens is they split the first 2 games, the number 4 seed then sweeps at home and wins it all!!. This means that the WC team went 5 and 0 at home in the playoffs. :shock: The WC did have the forth best record though this time in the league.
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Postby nymets99 » Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:47 am

with only 4 teams playing for the playoffs and championship, i dong think it is necessary to disallow w/c from playing division winner in 1st round. I do think that team with nest regular season record should get the benefit of playing the team with the worst overall regular season record in the first round. Wildcard team should never have homefield advantage in any series. So my opinion is seeding with a twist.
1st seed is team with best regular season record.
2nd seed is Division winner with nest record.
3rd seed is team with 3rd best record ( wildcard or division winner) - they play 2nd seed.
4th seed is team with worst record of the 4 playoff teams- they play first seed.
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Postby mjf309 » Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:17 am

I am indifferent as to playoff seeding, but like the present divisional setup (3 divisions, 4 teams in each). However, I agree that a 7 game series vs a 5 game series would be a significant improvement.
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:37 pm

I would have to say that you have a pretty substantial group of people leaning your way on this Geekor. 8)
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