2007 100m Live Draft - playing


Postby Ducapa » Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:19 am

Did you see me post to approve the drop? I wont be aroun dmuch longer so if you could do that so I could pick who I imeant to that would be great.
I am steeping away for lunch, so if you don't mind freezing the draft until I get back, don't want somebody to approve my drop when I am not here, then I would potentially loose my wrong pick and my correct pick.

Thanks...sorry for the delay, I thought Tbones saw my post since he posted after me.
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Postby durantjerry » Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:25 am

I was just in another draft and we could not proxy on stadiums. They assigned .50 oitchers as stadiums so they could be proxied.
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Postby DAVIDBELL 2 » Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:25 am

[quote:153322079a="Ducapa"]Dunno, but I will look into, but can you approve my drop...got to player drops and select approve.[/quote:153322079a]

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Postby wwwetz » Fri Apr 20, 2007 11:26 am

[quote:bd59985aff]THis is a very qucik draft, nice job all
Anyway. I just made the first pick of the 13th round. Remember in the 13th, 14th or 15th you must pick a stadium since nobody has done so yet. The last pick of the draft is pick #180 by wwwetz, so once you have made that pick please stop. Huntthis, are you going to setup the TSN league?[/quote:bd59985aff]

Didn't you say this was 16 rounds, 15 players plus a stadium. Wouldn't that mean the last pick is 192 and that would be you? No? Please advise.
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Postby The Turtle » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:14 pm

I checked and it is pick #192 that would be last
The Turtle
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Postby The Turtle » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:19 pm


It does not look as though it is possible at this point to proxy stadiums on www.somdraft.com. (Somebody let me know if I am missing something.)

I propose we use bad 50-cent pitchers (ERAs > 5.60; WHIPs > 1.70) to represent stadiums in the live draft:

Chacon Shawn - 2007ATT AT&T Park STADIUM (10-13, 2-5)
Chen Bruce - 2007Ame Ameriquest Field STADIUM (11-11, 14-11)
Davies Kyle - 2007Ang Angels Stadium STADIUM (6-9, 7-7)
Day Zach - 2007Bus Busch Stadium STADIUM (1-7, 6-4)
De La Rosa Jorge - 2007Cam Camden Yards STADIUM (9-6, 9-12)
Dinardo Lenny - 2007Cha Chase Field STADIUM (10-13, 16-13)
Dohmann Scott - 2007Cit Citizen's Bank Park STADIUM (11-8, 16-13)
Flores Randy - 2007Com Comerica Park STADIUM (10-10, 7-4)
Floyd Gavin - 2007Coo Coors Field STADIUM (19-19, 12-12)
Garza Matt - 2007Dod Dodger Stadium STADIUM (6-6, 11-11)
Guzman Angel - 2007Dol Dolphins Stadium STADIUM (10-1, 7-5)
Hammel Jason - 2007Fen Fenway Park STADIUM (13-13, 3-6)
Hamulack Tim - 2007Gre Great American Bpk STADIUM (6-6, 13-13)
Hernandez Runelvys - 2007Jac Jacobs Field STADIUM (6-6, 6-4)
Johnson Jason - 2007Kau Kauffman Stadium STADIUM (14-11, 4-4)
Mathieson Scott - 2007McA McAfee Coliseum STADIUM (14-5, 8-8)
Mays Joe - 2007Met Metrodome STADIUM (10-7, 5-8)
McClung Seth - 2007Mil Miller Park STADIUM (3-3, 10-10)
Mulder Mark - 2007Min Minute Maid Field STADIUM (11-5, 10-13)
Ortiz Russ - 2007PNC PNC Park STADIUM (9-15, 6-3)
Perez Oliver - 2007Pet Petco Park STADIUM (1-1, 9-9)
Politte Cliff - 2007RFK RFK Stadium STADIUM (1-1, 5-3)
Romero J.C. - 2007Rog Rogers Centre STADIUM (7-10, 13-16)
Rusch Glendon - 2007SAF SAFECO Field STADIUM (2-2, 9-6)
Sisco Andy - 2007She Shea Stadium STADIUM (8-8, 4-4)
Snyder Kyle - 2007Tro Tropicana Field STADIUM (4-4, 11-8)
Towers Josh - 2007Tur Turner Field STADIUM (11-11, 6-9)
Vargas Jason - 2007US US Cellular Field STADIUM (4-7, 19-19)
Volquez Edison - 2007Wri Wrigley Field STADIUM (9-6, 13-13)
Wells Kip - 2007Yan Yankee Stadium STADIUM (7-7, 11-11)

If one of these guys is a hidden gem and you want to take him in the autodraft part of the draft, that is fine. I hope, however, we can avoid these guys in the live draft, however.

PLEASE UPDATE HERE AS WELL WHEN YOU PICK A STADIUM , ie put your name next to the stadium
The Turtle
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Postby Ducapa » Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:34 pm

Oka, thanks for the drop approval...I changed my pick. Sorry, wwwetz you are correct, it is 16 including stadium....my bad.
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Postby The Turtle » Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:26 pm

not such a good day, have all the proxies ran out? :)
The Turtle
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Postby MoCrash » Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:12 pm

My bad, guys. When I went to work this morning, I figured I'd be home early afternoon. Instead, got hung up and couldn't get home until 8 p.m. cdt.
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Postby genevajack » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:37 pm

Ill be at a STRAT tourney all day but wll periodically check in. I have proxied my last two picks and used the cheap pitcher code for my stadium.
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