2007 100m Live Draft - playing

Turtle is up

Postby Ducapa » Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:09 pm

This last round is painfully slow. Mister's time has expired so Turtle is up.
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Proxys Anybody

Postby Ducapa » Mon Apr 23, 2007 6:27 pm

We have been sitting on the same round for 3 days, did anybody load proxies for the last pick? I don't think at this point we can load our teams before midnight tonight that's if we even finish the draft by then.
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Postby Terry101 » Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:28 pm

Some people were able to put the stadium in on the live draft site. In trying to proxy the stadium I wasn't able to do it. Is there a way to do it? If not I will just use the .5 names for the stadium.
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Postby MoCrash » Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:09 pm

Chacon Shawn - 2007ATT AT&T Park STADIUM (10-13, 2-5)
Chen Bruce - 2007Ame Ameriquest Field STADIUM (11-11, 14-11)
Davies Kyle - 2007Ang Angels Stadium STADIUM (6-9, 7-7)
Day Zach - 2007Bus Busch Stadium STADIUM (1-7, 6-4)
De La Rosa Jorge - 2007Cam Camden Yards STADIUM (9-6, 9-12) wwwetz
Dinardo Lenny - 2007Cha Chase Field STADIUM (10-13, 16-13)
Dohmann Scott - 2007Cit Citizen's Bank Park STADIUM (11-8, 16-13)
Flores Randy - 2007Com Comerica Park STADIUM (10-10, 7-4)
Floyd Gavin - 2007Coo Coors Field STADIUM (19-19, 12-12)
Garza Matt - 2007Dod Dodger Stadium STADIUM (6-6, 11-11)
Guzman Angel - 2007Dol Dolphins Stadium STADIUM (10-1, 7-5genevajac
Hammel Jason - 2007Fen Fenway Park STADIUM (13-13, 3-6)
Hamulack Tim - 2007Gre Great American Bpk STADIUM (6-6, 13-13)
Hernandez Runelvys - 2007Jac Jacobs Field STADIUM (6-6, 6-4)
Johnson Jason - 2007Kau Kauffman Stadium STADIUM (14-11, 4-4)
Mathieson Scott - 2007McA McAfee Coliseum STADIUM (14-5, 8-
Mays Joe - 2007Met Metrodome STADIUM (10-7, 5-
McClung Seth - 2007Mil Miller Park STADIUM (3-3, 10-10)
Mulder Mark - 2007Min Minute Maid Field STADIUM (11-5, 10-13)
Ortiz Russ - 2007PNC PNC Park STADIUM (9-15, 6-3)
Perez Oliver - 2007Pet Petco Park STADIUM (1-1, 9-9)
Politte Cliff - 2007RFK RFK Stadium STADIUM (1-1, 5-3)
Romero J.C. - 2007Rog Rogers Centre STADIUM (7-10, 13-16)Durantjerry
Rusch Glendon - 2007SAF SAFECO Field STADIUM (2-2, 9-6)
Sisco Andy - 2007She Shea Stadium STADIUM (8-8, 4-4)huntthis
Snyder Kyle - 2007Tro Tropicana Field STADIUM (4-4, 11-8) [b:fe6a76631e]MoCrash[/b:fe6a76631e]
Towers Josh - 2007Tur Turner Field STADIUM (11-11, 6-9)
Vargas Jason - 2007US US Cellular Field STADIUM (4-7, 19-19)
Volquez Edison - 2007Wri Wrigley Field STADIUM (9-6, 13-13)
Wells Kip - 2007Yan Yankee Stadium STADIUM (7-7, 11-11)
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Postby The Turtle » Mon Apr 23, 2007 9:22 pm

Chacon Shawn - 2007ATT AT&T Park STADIUM (10-13, 2-5)
Chen Bruce - 2007Ame Ameriquest Field STADIUM (11-11, 14-11)
Davies Kyle - 2007Ang Angels Stadium STADIUM (6-9, 7-7)
Day Zach - 2007Bus Busch Stadium STADIUM (1-7, 6-4)
De La Rosa Jorge - 2007Cam Camden Yards STADIUM (9-6, 9-12) wwwetz
Dinardo Lenny - 2007Cha Chase Field STADIUM (10-13, 16-13)
Dohmann Scott - 2007Cit Citizen's Bank Park STADIUM (11-8, 16-13)
Flores Randy - 2007Com Comerica Park STADIUM (10-10, 7-4)
Floyd Gavin - 2007Coo Coors Field STADIUM (19-19, 12-12)
Garza Matt - 2007Dod Dodger Stadium STADIUM (6-6, 11-11)
Guzman Angel - 2007Dol Dolphins Stadium STADIUM (10-1, 7-5genevajac
Hammel Jason - 2007Fen Fenway Park STADIUM (13-13, 3-6)
Hamulack Tim - 2007Gre Great American Bpk STADIUM (6-6, 13-13)
Hernandez Runelvys - 2007Jac Jacobs Field STADIUM (6-6, 6-4)
Johnson Jason - 2007Kau Kauffman Stadium STADIUM (14-11, 4-4)
Mathieson Scott - 2007McA McAfee Coliseum STADIUM (14-5, 8-
Mays Joe - 2007Met Metrodome STADIUM (10-7, 5-
McClung Seth - 2007Mil Miller Park STADIUM (3-3, 10-10)
Mulder Mark - 2007Min Minute Maid Field STADIUM (11-5, 10-13)
Ortiz Russ - 2007PNC PNC Park STADIUM (9-15, 6-3)
Perez Oliver - 2007Pet Petco Park STADIUM (1-1, 9-9)
Politte Cliff - 2007RFK RFK Stadium STADIUM (1-1, 5-3)
Romero J.C. - 2007Rog Rogers Centre STADIUM (7-10, 13-16)Durantjerry
Rusch Glendon - 2007SAF SAFECO Field STADIUM (2-2, 9-6)
Sisco Andy - 2007She Shea Stadium STADIUM (8-8, 4-4)huntthis
Snyder Kyle - 2007Tro Tropicana Field STADIUM (4-4, 11-Cool MoCrash
Towers Josh - 2007Tur Turner Field STADIUM (11-11, 6-9)
Vargas Jason - 2007US US Cellular Field STADIUM (4-7, 19-19)
Volquez Edison - 2007Wri Wrigley Field STADIUM (9-6, 13-13)
Wells Kip - 2007Yan Yankee Stadium STADIUM (7-7, 11-11) - Turtle
The Turtle
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Postby Ducapa » Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:43 am

Okay, stuck on Vol_Fan again...what happened to those proxies for the last pick. Anyway, vol_fan has until 11:50am today to pick then Coffee is up. Please, if you are niot around today load every stadium you want as a proxy so we can zip through this.
As for the frenzy, are we starting at a specific time? If we just do it as soon as it is available, west coast has an advantage b/c we will be asleep her in the east. What do you say about 12pm eastern on Weds....if we finish tonight.
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Postby Coffeeholic » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:00 am

Last edited by Coffeeholic on Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ducapa » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:06 am

I hear you...your up in 5
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Postby Ducapa » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:22 am

Sorry Coffee...I meant you are now up in 30 minutes, ignore my PM.
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Postby Coffeeholic » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:46 am

Chacon Shawn - 2007ATT AT&T Park STADIUM (10-13, 2-5)
Chen Bruce - 2007Ame Ameriquest Field STADIUM (11-11, 14-11)
Davies Kyle - 2007Ang Angels Stadium STADIUM (6-9, 7-7)
Day Zach - 2007Bus Busch Stadium STADIUM (1-7, 6-4)
De La Rosa Jorge - 2007Cam Camden Yards (9-6, 9-12) [b:aa7b183cc7]wwwetz [/b:aa7b183cc7]
Dinardo Lenny - 2007Cha Chase Field STADIUM (10-13, 16-13)
Dohmann Scott - 2007Cit Citizen's Bank Park STADIUM (11-8, 16-13)
Flores Randy - 2007Com Comerica Park STADIUM (10-10, 7-4) [b:aa7b183cc7]Coffee [/b:aa7b183cc7]
Floyd Gavin - 2007Coo Coors Field STADIUM (19-19, 12-12)
Garza Matt - 2007Dod Dodger Stadium STADIUM (6-6, 11-11)
Guzman Angel - 2007Dol Dolphins Stadium (10-1, 7-5) [b:aa7b183cc7]genevajac [/b:aa7b183cc7]
Hammel Jason - 2007Fen Fenway Park STADIUM (13-13, 3-6)
Hamulack Tim - 2007Gre Great American Bpk STADIUM (6-6, 13-13)
Hernandez Runelvys - 2007Jac Jacobs Field STADIUM (6-6, 6-4)
Johnson Jason - 2007Kau Kauffman Stadium STADIUM (14-11, 4-4)
Mathieson Scott - 2007McA McAfee Coliseum STADIUM (14-5, 8-8)
Mays Joe - 2007Met Metrodome STADIUM (10-7, 5-8)
McClung Seth - 2007Mil Miller Park STADIUM (3-3, 10-10) [b:aa7b183cc7]MisterG[/b:aa7b183cc7]
Mulder Mark - 2007Min Minute Maid Field (11-5, 10-13) [b:aa7b183cc7]VolFan[/b:aa7b183cc7]
Ortiz Russ - 2007PNC PNC Park STADIUM (9-15, 6-3)
Perez Oliver - 2007Pet Petco Park STADIUM (1-1, 9-9)
Politte Cliff - 2007RFK RFK Stadium STADIUM (1-1, 5-3)
Romero J.C. - 2007Rog Rogers Centre (7-10, 13-16) [b:aa7b183cc7]Durantjerry[/b:aa7b183cc7]
Rusch Glendon - 2007SAF SAFECO Field STADIUM (2-2, 9-6)
Sisco Andy - 2007She Shea Stadium STADIUM (8-8, 4-4)
Snyder Kyle - 2007Tro Tropicana Field STADIUM (4-4, 11-8) [b:aa7b183cc7]MoCrash[/b:aa7b183cc7]
Towers Josh - 2007Tur Turner Field STADIUM (11-11, 6-9)
Vargas Jason - 2007US US Cellular Field STADIUM (4-7, 19-19)
Volquez Edison - 2007Wri Wrigley Field STADIUM (9-6, 13-13)
Wells Kip - 2007Yan Yankee Stadium STADIUM (7-7, 11-11) - [b:aa7b183cc7]Turtle[/b:aa7b183cc7]

[b:aa7b183cc7]Huntthis[/b:aa7b183cc7] wants Shea I believe, but he'll have to use this pick (16th) to select it.
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