2007 100m Live Draft - playing

Postby Ducapa » Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:23 pm

I removed my team from the East since we will not fill tonight. I will load it when I return Monday night. C'mon Coffee, I don't think any of us did anything underhanded, as I explained my drop. I have only been in a handful of live drafts and there were never problems people changing picks after the fact...not that it happened often, but once in a while. We weren't breaking any rules since non were made so lets go with and have some fun! Hope you will load your team soon! Should I load mine so we only have to wait for one team on Monday or keep it out for now?
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Postby Ducapa » Tue Apr 24, 2007 10:46 pm

I'll put my team vback in...the way this last part of the draft has been going, it might take until next week to load our teams :lol: !
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Postby DAVIDBELL 2 » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:11 pm

[quote:33977a2c36="Coffeeholic"]Since it seems highly unlikely that we will fill tonight anyways, I've decided to hold off until I decide how (or if) I want to proceed (Ducapa's upcoming absence negates the rush to enter anyway).

Sorry guys! I'm not normally the type to make waves, but managers dropping players rounds later simply because they've changed their minds just isn't kosher in a live draft, and I sincerely believe that this has comprimised our draft. I need to think this over a bit before I proceed.[/quote:33977a2c36]

We need to get an answer from Coffeeholic before we load our players.....he does have some good points....I would hope we can move forward with the teams we have....
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Too much being made of Drops

Postby genevajack » Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:38 am

I think too much is being made of the drops. If a player wants to drop someone and take a lower round player-this is fine with me (I think it hurts his team). Other managers shouldnt think of these dropped players as being their property-since if the player was never dropped they wouldnt have had them anyway.
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Postby Terry101 » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:27 am

Drops. First, a rule should have been in place. Maybe one drop per person or a drop request within one hour or something. Second, I don't believe anyone in this league did anything against the spirit of the draft. I for one did not drop a player because I "changed my mind". I dropped because I made a mistake- I was out of town and loaded a ton of proxies- I didn't group them correctly and ended up with more outfielders than I could play, so I asked for a drop approval on the 146th player taken. Every single manager could see on the boards that I requested a drop of E. Chavez; it was public knowledge. People make mistakes. We try to correct them and play the game. Hope everyone is good to go.
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Postby Ducapa » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:33 am

Tbones, why don't you load your team to the East, then Coffee can make his decision and hopefully will load his team and the Central can begin. Remember we need at least one team in the west to hold off on loading until Monday.

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Postby Coffeeholic » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:55 am

Ok, since the consesus seems to think that we should proceed and allow thesedrop/adds, then no one should have any objections if I make a few drop/adds myself before I enter my team? :roll:
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Postby The Turtle » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:59 am

I think that is fair as long as it is not a complete overhaul, just let us know who, since I am already entered, if the player is on my team after the draft I will trade him too you.
The Turtle
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Postby vol_fan » Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:24 am

Do we list our 15 players first or last in our draft order?
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Postby Ducapa » Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:05 am

No prob coffee, same goes for me since i am already entered in the league. 15 player go last in your draft card. Talk to you guys Monday, Tuesday frenzy hopefully.
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