2007 100m Live Draft - playing

Postby Ducapa » Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:47 pm

Peace out!! Talk to you guys Monday evening.
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Postby Coffeeholic » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:21 pm

[quote:b47730297c="Coffeeholic"]Ok, since the consesus seems to think that we should proceed and allow thesedrop/adds, then no one should have any objections if I make a few drop/adds myself before I enter my team? :roll:[/quote:b47730297c]

Guys, I was being facetious.
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Postby Coffeeholic » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:25 pm

Well, I honestly can't believe that you guys are comfortable with this, but anyway... here's what I'll do:

I really don't want to leave most of you guys in the lurch, so since Ducapa is out of town until Monday, I will use this interim time to search for a replacement for myself. If I don't have any luck finding a replacement between now and Monday, I'll enter my team as per the live draft.

If you guys could also help find a replacement, that would be much appreciated.
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Postby geekor » Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:08 pm


I was thinking of helping Coffee out, but after reading what happened, I cna see why he wants out.

I've been around since the start of 02 game, and drops during live drafts have [b:cad540db80]never [/b:cad540db80]been kosher, excpet right after you pick, let alone rounds later.

As Coffee pointed out, especially with someone I consider a top 5 1b in Morneau. If you make a mistake, you suck it up and trade, or fix it after the teams draft.

Sorry guys, some people have a feeling that making things unfair is ok, and I wouldn't touch this league with a 50 ft pole.
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Postby The Turtle » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:34 pm

whatever, geekor, I have been here longer than almost anyone now - since June 2001 - and even participated in the first live draft ever (on the boards) and my drop of Morneau TWO PICKS later would not have rumpled any feathers in any league I have been in.

Wwwetz, even had time to object or say he wanted him as we were waiting on misterg to pick for a while, plus I posted it here to let people know, as for Ducapa's drops of players later, yeah I can see some people objecting since they were so far away.

So far it has only been one though and I even told coffee to make amends he could correct his card to what he liked if he wanted to change.

I just don't see the fuss, maybe I just don't take it as seriously as you and coffee no one even objected to coffee making changes...truth in fact this stuff is just not a big deal, I just want to play the game.

Anyone that wants to take over his team I will gladly consider making some trades with to get players they like
The Turtle
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Postby Coffeeholic » Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:36 am

Thanks for the support Geekor! 8) It is encouraging to know that I'm not the only one who sees things in this light.

Guys, I've received 2 responses to my ads looking for a replacement. [b:84a20a7df6]Sykes[/b:84a20a7df6] was the first to respond to a league-wide e-mail I sent out, then [b:84a20a7df6]John Law[/b:84a20a7df6] responded to the thread I started.

So I'll give [b:84a20a7df6]Sykes [/b:84a20a7df6]1st crack at taking over the team, with [b:84a20a7df6]John Law[/b:84a20a7df6] as 1st alternate.

Hopefully one of the two will be fully on board by day's end.
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Postby wwwetz » Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:35 am

Turtle, I might have objected if I would have known these drops were occurring. But, if you're not checking the message board, you would never know what's going on. It's not until you want to make a pick that a name shows up as unclaimed. I would have to agree with Coffee, though, that if you pick and make an error as you did, picking three first basemen, you tend to think that something maybe going on with protecting picks for someone. I'm not accussing, I'm just writing my thoughts. Be it as it may, I will stick with this league and hope for the best. :roll:
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Postby DAVIDBELL 2 » Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:38 pm

I'm IN...Who's Next?
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Postby The Turtle » Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:08 pm

[quote:edace77d66]you tend to think that something maybe going on with protecting picks for someone.[/quote:edace77d66]

Since I have been here since June of 2002 and longer than any remaining players I can think of (I was hepburn54 then) I would say that assertion would be unfounded as I have a pretty good reputation on these boards

I have had my share of scuffles...sandlotshrink in 2003 (ran out of proxies during finals week I think) and PlaybytheRules(over a trade) early in 06 but I think any would vouch I am pretty upstadning and would never do anything underhanded
The Turtle
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Sykes is the Man!

Postby Coffeeholic » Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:44 pm

Well, it looks like Sykes is going to take my place!

To everyone in the league:

We have a small community of guys here in SOMOland who share a common theme of loving baseball and Strat-o-Matic. We should not always expect to see eye to eye on everything, and this is a perfect illustration of that point. I did not intend to cast aspersions on any individual or individuals and hope you won't feel in any way insulted or slighted. I just have a difference of opinion on something, and feel pretty strongly about it.

I hope you'll see that I endeavored to not leave you stranded by just dropping out, and that I've done what I could to ensure that you have a replacement before I go my own way. My sincerest hope is that there will not be any hard feelings between us and that we can look forward to many enjoyable SOMO campaigns in the future.

What's that old saying? "Can we at least agree that we dis-agree"?

Best of luck with the league,
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