Why am I paying money Bernie?

Postby durantjerry » Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:06 pm

Palace, I looked back at your original post, and much of the advice you received was right on. As I said, after your season has started it's usually too late for fixing. In your case, you misread the ballpark HR rating to be the opposite of what it was, putting you in a big hole as far as having the wrong type of guys on your team. If you look at my response to your original post, apart from specific player advice, I told you the first rule of SOMO is build for your park, not OBP, OBP, OBP(as you posted). I think this was reiterated above. Some people do get the hang of it immediately, but it took me eight seasons to make the playoffs. Joining an advanced league was foolish. Despite what may be said by some, it probably will be a little tougher, as I think most newer players would just go for the autoleague box when just starting out. It is more likely to be tougher than your average autoleague. I can lead you to water Palace, but it's up to you to drink.
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Postby the bigmje » Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:36 pm

Palace:This may lessen your frustration.
I was No Hit by Matt Cain last night.
When I saw it I justed laughed.
the bigmje
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

matt cain

Postby PAULMINICUCCI » Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:38 pm

Just in reply, Matt Cain is one hella of a good pitcher. He was third in hits per 9 innings in the NL, is first this year. He had something like 157 hits in 200 innings. So while he is not an elite guy in the 2007 game he is very capable of throwing a no-no.

To palace. I guess this game is very frustrating to most players and as other folks have said you do get better. There are lots of nuances here. I had losing teams in my first 11 teams. Then I went on a 12 team plus .500 run. I have a team right now that is hitting about 50 points below their real life averages, but I know because this is based on the probabilities of the real life stats of last year it will most likely turn around.

But that's the fun of this game. It isn't obvious. I know for example I played PetCo for about six tries with great starters, great defense and singles hitters, wrong. Then I started looking at winning teams and decided to change strategy and go defense first, followed by offense and one great reliever and weak starters. My PetCo teams were in five straight playoffs. I even had one Petco team hit .281 with 200 HRs and 800 RBIs!

It came from listening and doing home-work. I would echo what Durant Jerry said (who I know from experience is a hellofva player-you would do well to listen to his advice) the great players don't often respond on-line except that they show up a lot in the strategy threads. Take a peek and see what they have to say.

By the way, I was a little pissed off when i started playing here because I was a really good fantasy guy. This is a different game entirely. Luck plays a role here for sure. You would be surprised how long you can go with great players doing badly. It usually turns around.

My advice is play a few leagues, study the guys who are winning.My bet is they play with well constructed teams. That means balance, custom fit to the stadium, looking at the teams in your division ( and the parks). Keep to the fundamentals. The newbie thread is actually pretty good and I review it from time to time. Hang in there.
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Postby davydrums » Sun Apr 29, 2007 9:51 pm

Hey don't mess with Giant fans.Everyone goes through ups and downs in this game.After almost 2 years of playing I got my best team,99-63.We got knocked out in the semis largely because HAL brought in 2 questionable pitchers in the 9th to protect a 1 run lead.It really pissed me off,but I moved on.This game is worth the money because of the ups and downs.Also the great people I'm just getting to know.
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Postby Rant » Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:36 am

[quote:6fc5dc066c="thebigmje"]Palace:This may lessen your frustration.
I was No Hit by Matt Cain last night.
When I saw it I justed laughed.[/quote:6fc5dc066c]

Jamie Moyer just took a no-no into the seventh ... this stuff does happen in real life when the stars align.
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Postby blue turtle » Tue May 01, 2007 4:49 pm

[quote:119d88f73c="thebigmje"]Palace:This may lessen your frustration.
I was No Hit by Matt Cain last night.
When I saw it I justed laughed.[/quote:119d88f73c]

Hey, I love Matt Cain for a 2006 card!
blue turtle
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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