Thoughts on '07 game so far.....

Thoughts on '07 game so far.....

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed May 02, 2007 1:59 pm

I am not having the same success as I had in '06 game and was wondering if others are noticing either that they are doing better, or worse.

I have noticed that the ERA's in my leagues are almost all over 4 for every team, and that would lead me to think that pitching is definitely NOT a priority.

Any other thoughts...players that are doing well or are busts, pitchers that are doing better than expected.

I know I have used a lot of the same players and was wondering how some of the others are doing.

Another question I have....what position is the hardest to draft for.

Personally, I think 1st base has given me the most pause when drafting, how about you??
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Wed May 02, 2007 3:55 pm

Well, I have no clue then under 4.00 and the next guy is not even close .... my pitching is doing very well ... and I'm in a hitting park (Rogers). However, my hitting sucks despite having high OBP up top (Abreu) and two big (Manny and A Jones).

When I asked about this team earlier, I got some suggestions where my team was weak ... And by some mystic universal force, I vaulted to 1st Place. I still have yet to make a move.

If anyone can tell what is [b:2bb8a44af7]RIGHT[/b:2bb8a44af7] on my team, I'd be grateful ... because I don't think I'm learning from it.

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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Wed May 02, 2007 4:14 pm


From what I can tell, you are right, there isn't anything that is really "spectacular" on your team, but more of a consistency factor.

Your pitching is doing very well, but look and see what the other team's ERA's are, my guess they are higher.

Do you have a division of pitcher's parks, this would help explain why your ERA is under 4.00 especially due to the fact you are in more of a "hitters" park.

Andrew Jones....I hate that he bats around .200...I try to make teams that have great batting averages (.280-.300), but this doesn't always project into a winning team.

I figure get a good leadoff guy a 2nd place hitter that isn't too DP orientated and then a couple guys with pop and the rest with good BA.
One would think this would lead to winning all the time, but doesn't always work out.

You can most likely attribute your lower ERA to the Defense too, this most likely has saved several runs in the 100+ games.
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Postby durantjerry » Wed May 02, 2007 4:38 pm

Seems obvious you put together a good, solid team, which is how they are performing. Great "D" up the middle, OBP at the top, some sluggers, two good relievers, solid starters and overachieving cheapo's in the pen=59-52.
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Postby visick » Wed May 02, 2007 7:44 pm

Getting a bit frustrating too Bodie...

In 2006, 4 of my first 6 teams went to the playoffs.

In 2007, my teams have either started off well, and then nose dived. (ie. my team in your league) OR my teams have been getting pounded out of the chute, and struggle to get to .500.

Even teams that I go with in pitching parks, have ERA's over 4.00.

Hey Dr....FWIW, I'm obviously no expert, but I'd throw hard RH's at you all day.
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Now that's funny

Postby mfsleeze » Wed May 02, 2007 8:38 pm

He's got a guy playing Brandon Phillips at SS in his division (4e88) and he's got 59 Es
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Postby markp65 » Thu May 03, 2007 10:25 am

In 2006 I ran nothing but teams from the exact same blueprint: Minute Maid RH power teams with variations on the same roster and have ended up with the highest winning pct (.559) among managers with more than 15 teams (sorry Mitch & GThomas!). To date, none of my 25 2006 teams has finished lower than 2nd place with 17 of 25 1st place teams thus far. My 2006 formula was...

1. select Minute Maid as park
2. sell soul to get A-Rod to play SS
3. fill lineup with mid-$ RH power/OBP guys: Glaus, Burrell, Sheff...
4. get 2006 superstud Tony Clark and 1-2 other lefties for balance
5. starters: Garland, Lackey, Arroyo, Radke + Hendrickson/Shilling to spot
6. pen: Carrasco set up, Hermanson/Hawkins close. Chulk, Novoa...

No great revelations there. Straightforward, but it sure worked like a charm. One little trick I learned was not to use any LH pen guys on my roster, so not to trigger the other team's pinch hitter vs LHP.

I have discerned no such formula in 2007 and have resumed playing .525 ball, fighting for my playoff life. I wonder which one of you out there has cracked the 2007 code? It will be interesting to see the 2007 ratings in the next week or two. I'm sure SOMEBODY has cracked the 2007 code.

PS Bodie is on a 5-game winning streak in our 2007 Flirting With Disaster league! Oh Master, reveal thy ways!!!
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Postby visick » Thu May 03, 2007 11:17 am

[quote:ccaf4d5586]PS Bodie is on a 5-game winning streak in our 2007 Flirting With Disaster league[/quote:ccaf4d5586]

Even blind squirrels get an acorn every now and then... :lol:
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Postby Stoney18 » Thu May 03, 2007 12:02 pm

Mark, that's a good formula for MM in 06 but didn't you get a little bored playing the same thing all the time?

Bodie win 5 in a row? No wonder everyone is having problems with 07. :D
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Postby ANDREWLEVITAN » Thu May 03, 2007 12:28 pm

I'd rather have a shmuck than a putz in my bullpen
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