Postby Roscodog » Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:44 am


I ended up winning the game by alot so it's not a big deal but why would HAL take FRANCIS out, who was pitching a 1 hitter, thrown only 89 pitches.

and again his choice of batting order is beyond ridiculous. Santiago put in to replace Castillo as an injury replacement. Decides to bat Santiago 3rd? Moving my regular #3 hitter Mauer to the 6 spot.

HAL's choice of where he bats guys needs to be fixed.
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Postby bernieh » Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:50 am

1. I wouldn't call removing a starting pitcher who's winning a game 15-1 after 7 innings "stupid". If it happened in real life, you wouldn't think twice about it - maybe he developed a minor blister, maybe the manager wanted to get a reliever some work - there's many reasons it would happen. I do understand, however, that in a competitive simulation context it makes more sense to let him eat up the innings if he can, as if he were a robot. The reason he was taken out was because of an obscure clause in the game engine that was designed, as a whole, to replicate real-life results and stats. Many of my efforts on the code have been to steer it towards a more predictable simulation, and in keeping with that, I will remove this clause.

2. Batting Santiago 3rd IS "stupid" and most likely due to a bug in the improvement I made recently. I'll definitely take a look at that.

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Postby Roscodog » Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:10 am

After I thought about Francis being removed after 7 with a huge lead I can totally agree with you, my bad. Had the Santiago lineup thing not happened I wouldn't have even mentioned it. The whole Santiago thing though has happened way too many times to my teams this year, In games that I didn't blow teams out. Just for the record I wasn't trying to be critical of you Bernie, I was just venting. I'd rather have HAL insert a guy directly into the lineeup where the other guy was batting than some of the decisions that have been made for lineup changes. Neither is ideal but alteast then only one guy is out of place in the order instead of several.
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Wed May 02, 2007 4:08 pm

I'll post here since Bernie may help.

My #2 batter went down ... and HAL put Womak in the #2 spot ... and in the enxt game, put Clark (<1M) and Martinez (<1M) in the #2 and #3 spots, when I have Manny and Jones and Wright still playing.

I'm like what the fluck!?!?!?!


Anyway, I'm sure coding HAL is a ***** ... and coding him to do something right is worse.

Knowing nothing about how the substitution code was written, I'd approach it as

1st iteration
$$$-Value in the top half, $-Vlaue in the low half ...

2nd iteration
batting 1 to 5 based on some "traditional values" like highest slug in #3, highest speed/OBP in #1, etc.

Similar traditional values for 6-9 spots.

Seems like HAL just plops them in right now. :(

Anyway, sorry for posting about my ideas for code ... I know you have your hands full with it.

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Injury Replacements

Postby mjf309 » Thu May 03, 2007 11:15 am

Lew Ford was the backup for Duffy who was in the number 9 spot in my lineup. Duffy was injured but would have been available in game 2 of the 3 game set. Ford was brought in for game 1 but moved to the number 3 spot in the batting order and my DH, who was batting 3rd, was moved to the number 9 spot.

I probably shouldn't whine since Ford went 2 for 4 and drove in a run.
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