Ideas for Theme Leagues

Ideas for Theme Leagues

Postby garykeithron » Fri May 04, 2007 2:44 pm

I have seen some unique ideas for theme leagues like drafting only American Leaguers, only National Leaguers, and Iron Glove, where the players are defensively a 4 or worse.

What are some other unique themes that someone has played? What was the most fun?

Did anyone ever play in a league where everybody played in the same stadium?

What about a league where the objective was to LOSE as many games as possible?

Please share your thoughts...
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri May 04, 2007 3:05 pm

I have been in some real good ones,

We did have an all Coors theme last year with a catch, you couldn't have any pitchers over 2M. I think we even limited it to no pitching staffs over 20M. It was a lot of fun. Lots of Homers and game scores like 21-18. In this theme, one of my relievers led the team in wins with 12, but team ERA was Mid 6's

I also did a "Mystery Mush" league where we randomly assigned Staffs you had to use the teams that were assigned exclusively. (ATG III)

In this one, we had a random # Generator choose a set of numbers that were matched to a list of teams. Each person got to use the 5 teams that were assigned to them to build a staff and then we randomly assigned the park in which they had to play.

For Example: I had to choose players from the '79 Pirates, '69 Mets, '46 Cardinals, '78 Redsox and '80 Expos and only could use the pitchers and hitters on these staffs. It was interesting and then on top of it, you had to use the park that was randomly assigned, so if you ended up with a great hitting team and ended up in a pitcher's park, you were SOL.

We did several of these leagues and while I didn't do very well, it was a huge hit.

I was trying to think of a way to do it in '07 game, but the # of teams is limited so the player pool is a lot less.

I guess I could do it with half teams (Pitchers/Hitters), but haven't gotten around to it just yet.

There have been some others too, like a Pre-Card league that you start in like November and do a live draft of players for the next season before their cards come out. You have to have a good group of people that can commit though because the new season doesn't start until March when new game comes out.

There are tons of Ideas and I am sure you will get some great responses to this question.

It will also inspire a lot of new leagues too.
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Postby hechojazz » Fri May 04, 2007 3:35 pm

Over the years several geographic themes have occupied folks 'round the Strat-O game...North vs. South (civil war) or East vs. West or Blue State vs. Red State...just need to figure a way to evenly divide available teams into the two categories, and then make sure the Strat teams are loaded such that two of each "side" are in each of the three divisions...during the season you can't sign a free agent or trade for a player from the other side. Requires a lot of scrutiny to determine how best to deal with a needed player move.
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Postby buster j ratt » Sat May 05, 2007 6:33 pm

I been playing a lot of player had to play for franchise Everyone has a team or two but can draft or pickup anyone that played on their team at least one game example A-Rod could play for Texas Seattle or Yankees but Cards exclusive rights to Pujols Big one in ATG III is Christy Mathewson Played whole career for Giants except last game for Reds so they could draft him 8)
buster j ratt
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