I do not like the roster requirement that you must have 4 pure RP's, but at least I can see the rationale behind it.
The 5 SP requirement, however, is superfluous in a game which allows SP*'s to pitch on 3 days rest. As long as these SP*'s have pitched 200+ innings, their max injury duration is 3 games. Hence, with a 4 man rotation, that 5th SP requirement simply forces us to waste $.50 mil on a guy who will never leave the dugout.
If the goal is to more realistically portray modern baseball by having 5 man rotations, remove the SP* conotation. But since this apparently is verbotten per Hal Richmand and the folks at SOM, then the corralary action by Bernie and TSN should be to remove the requirement to have 5 SP's.