Some guys just never learn

Some guys just never learn

Postby teepack » Sat May 12, 2007 3:47 pm

I'm in a standard 2007 $80M league with the 20% drop penalty. Three weeks into our season, and one of the managers in the league has already made so many moves his team roster now is barely more than $60 million. I think we may be staring a 100-loss season in the face. I just wish he was in my division! He's already dropped at least 24 players.

I went and checked out his manager rating, and he has played almost 60 teams and only made the playoffs once! I have a feeling his regular jettisoning of players is a habit. We need to get him a 12-step program!

What is the lowest your team salary can get to? Is it still $50 million?

What is the most you've lost in salary and still made the playoffs?
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Postby goredsox33 » Sat May 12, 2007 3:55 pm

some guys like to make moves...
strato can get very boring in a league where none of the managers interact and/or make trades
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Postby durantjerry » Sat May 12, 2007 8:56 pm

I think you should not be posting negatively about someone's lack of success, as he's not doing anything wrong. You don't name him, but why even go there. Whatever your motives, comes off sounding like you just telling me how much smarter than this other guy you believe yourself to be. However, he might have more luck in the 70's or 80's games.
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Postby Loobee » Sun May 13, 2007 10:06 am

finding trading partners today is alot harder than in the early years and it was tough then. Some guys enjoy working out a deal while others cant be bothered Maybe this guy is just fed up with fellow managers not wanting to deal or worse yet, not responding at all, sadly another all too common practice now days. What gets me is when you send a trade offer for a player and it gets declined only to find the player you tried to trade for gets dropped a week later.
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Postby goredsox33 » Sun May 13, 2007 4:58 pm

[quote:04cc4926b7="Loobee"]finding trading partners today is alot harder than in the early years and it was tough then. Some guys enjoy working out a deal while others cant be bothered Maybe this guy is just fed up with fellow managers not wanting to deal or worse yet, not responding at all, sadly another all too common practice now days. What gets me is when you send a trade offer for a player and it gets declined only to find the player you tried to trade for gets dropped a week later.[/quote:04cc4926b7]

yeah thats irritating...
but what irritates me the most is when you send a trade , it gets "read".......but you NEVER get a final answer ...even after you ask for one
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yea, at least try to do a trade first

Postby teepack » Sun May 13, 2007 9:18 pm

I actually sent the guy a trade offer a few days into the season after it became apparent he was going to make a lot of moves. I offered him Alfonso Soriano for one of his cheaper players because he had cut a player that I really wanted a day earlier and I was trying to clear up some cap space so I could claim him. Of course, if he had sent a message to the league owners to let everybody know he was going to be dumping some players, I would have made him a trade offer BEFORE he cut the guy. At any rate, he refused my offer, and then cut a bunch more guys two days later.

There are numerous things that irk me about guys just making wholesale changes to their roster throughout the year, besides that they rarely try to make a trade. Another is that they are constantly snapping up players that other managers might want, and then cutting the same player 3 days later. But the big one for me is that it wrongly impacts the Wild-Card race. Because the three teams in his division will now get to play 18 games each against a guy with a $60 million roster (and dwindling) it gives them an unfair advantage over teams in the other two divisions. It'll be interesting to see where the wild-card team comes from in this league.
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Postby Loobee » Mon May 14, 2007 7:15 am

I hear you on this one teepak ! Maybe if I were in a division with somebody that has done this I would feel different :lol:
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Tue May 15, 2007 7:06 am

The points are valid ... but there is a flip side ...

In my current league, another owner went to the FA market almost 50 times during the course of the season.

With 12 games to go, he's in first place by 1 game.


I posted after 2 weeks to some of the other managers ... and they were concerned too ... hoping he would "settle down" but it seems this person found a system.

For what it is worth.

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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Tue May 15, 2007 7:09 am

I just checked ... he's got 4 teams ... a .540 winning percentage, and in our league, over the last 100 transacations, he made 41!!!!

Go figure, and he's in first.
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Postby blue turtle » Tue May 15, 2007 9:55 am

[quote:a0ff3bc43f="Dr. Brian"]I just checked ... he's got 4 teams ... a .540 winning percentage, and in our league, over the last 100 transacations, he made 41!!!!

Go figure, and he's in first.[/quote:a0ff3bc43f]

Maybe he has a system, but most of the chronic player-droppers are 100 loss season managers. It really gets my goat to see a player dropped the same day, with no games played yet. I can understand making a mistaken click, but as a common practice, I don't get it.
blue turtle
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