by MoCrash » Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:11 pm
Lotto numbers from tonight will determine draft order.
A lot of issues have been bandied about, especially about trades and FAs, with a number of very good points. Here is my reasoning for setting it up the way I did.
Non-franchise FAs were meant to fill holes in rosters, but it has been suggested their either be outlawed or a cap of six be placed on them and/or that there be a two-round live draft of non-franchise FAs before the auto-draft. There is also a recommendation to ban trading franchise players.
I doubt if a resolution of these issues can be made which will satisfy all, but I'll try. [b:8e39dc9632]What if we have a four-round draft of non-franchise FAs after the teams are drafted -- with the new serpentine drafting order determined by the lotto numbers on the night following the completion of the team draft -- then skip waivers? Afterwards the only allowable transactions would be by trades, except for acquiring FAs only from each team's two franchises -- hence there would be no frenzy, and. So that the minor leagues could be successfully used, we raise the salary cap to $100 million.[/b:8e39dc9632]
This option would give teams opportunity to fill glaring holes in their lineups, which should be few if teams are drafted with an eyetowards balance, while still essentially retaining the "purity" of their teams. There usually aren't so many trades that the teams would be altered much and, if they are, well trades are a part of real baseball. At least they would be the product of innovation.
We have a couple of days to decide these issues while we go through the team draft, but let me know what you think.