by HUDAMAN » Thu May 17, 2007 12:41 pm
[quote:76ace4f521="ashliz"]after seeing other's post a complaint here that one of there key players is hurt and he is a #1 on the injury chart so Hal had to have made a mistake w/his injury, and see that the administrator took care of his team and un injured his player, maybe beacuse he is a vet player and i am a rookie, well i don't think my request was to much to ask[/quote:76ace4f521]
I think you're talking about the Orlando Hudson situation. He went down for 15 games, and shouldn't have (over 600 PA), so it was corrected. No conspiracies here, and it has nothing to do with rookie vs. vet. The rules are the rules, and, well, the rolls are the rolls. If HAL breaks the rules, he gets a slap on the wrist, but in your case, it's unlikely that happened.