by keyzick » Thu May 17, 2007 10:15 am
[quote:23cf191ea4="durantjerry"]If your experiment was with defense, I like the idea. I have three of four defensive themed teams going and I think three have the best record and one is a WC. With the plethora(Ialways wanted to say that) of very good defensive players in 2007, you should be able to put together a winner using very good defenders. I think you just need a better plan.[/quote:23cf191ea4]
Expanding on that...due to the "plethora" of very good defenders, and shallow pool of very good pitchers, you should be able to get good hitting defenders and high value pitchers (ie, ballpark aided), if you go with a medium singles, low HR park.
That, to me, is a pretty good formula for success in '07. As with everything though, some adjustments would have to be made based on opponent makeup and ballparks.