Mystery Mush '07 Style

Mystery Mush '07 Style

Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu May 17, 2007 3:00 pm

Mystery Mush '07 style

I was thinking of doing this theme for the '07 game since we all have had time to get to know some of the Players Cards.

The Whole concept is this:

You have been hired to put together a team with the players assigned to you randomly. You have "NO" control of who they will be and if you can put a winning team on the field. Heck you don't even get to decide where you will be playing. You will have at your disposal, 2 Teams of Hitters and 2 Teams of Pitchers to choose from with a 5th choice of either another hitting team to choose from or a Pitching team to choose from.
Everything is random..even the Stadium and Divisional assignments.

No Trading, but you can use any player from the teams that belong to you and no one else has a right to them. You could get the Whitesox (Hitters), and choose not to use Jim Thome, but no one else would either.

For those of you that have participated in this in ATG III, I will open it up for you first.

As you all know, we used a random # Generator to randomly select teams that we could draft from and only those teams. It was easy because there were enough players and teams to do this so I was hesitant on trying it with the '07 game, but I think I may have figured out a way to do it.

All teams (30) will be broken down to Pitchers/Hitters thus having 60 potential options.

We would first run a randomizer to determine which (2) Hitting teams you would have to draft from. For Example (Yankees and Cardinal Hitters) (This would leave 6 undrafted hitting teams)

Then run it again to determine which (2) Pitching teams you could draft from. For example (Detroit, Anaheim) (Again leaving 6 undrafted Pitching teams)

Then we would then run a 3rd time to figure out who gets the extra pitching(6) and extra hitting(6) teams to choose from. (From the leftovers above)

We could then allow people to trade each other this last pick before we run the randomizer for Stadium Selection. [b:a1c2cbdf05]*Up for Discussion*[/b:a1c2cbdf05]
Also since the pickings are scarce, I will run the randomizer so that each team will have the choice of 2 stadiums to choose from.[b:a1c2cbdf05] (also up for discussion)[/b:a1c2cbdf05]

For Example:

Team A: Metrodome, RFK
Team B: Wrigley, Busch

That way it could ease some of the pain of trying to put a team on the field.

It sounds confusing, but I got it all in my head and it makes sense to me:

Sign up:

1. Puckin Drunk (IN)
2. Ehlekev
3. Socalchiro
4. Frank M
5. Doc Tax
6. LM Bombers
7. Geekor
8. Errormagnate
9. Free Radicals
10. Rjoh
11. Bo Dean
12. Sirguru



Check in above if you are interested, and we will fill missing spots with the alternates if need be.

[b:a1c2cbdf05]This is not for the feint of heart, it could be very ugly if you get the wrong teams to choose from, but also will allow you to use your skill in putting a team on the field.[/b:a1c2cbdf05]
I was thinking 80M Advanced DH 5/10/20, but this is also up for discussion.

Let me know.

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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu May 17, 2007 3:37 pm

Sign up:

1. Puckin Drunk (IN)
2. Ehlekev
3. Socalchiro
4. Frank M
5. Doc Tax
6. LM Bombers
7. Geekor
8. Errormagnate
9. Free Radicals
10. Rjoh
11. Bo Dean
12. Sirguru



Check in above if you are interested, and we will fill missing spots with the alternates if need be.
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby LMBombers » Thu May 17, 2007 3:55 pm

I love the Mystery Mush leagues! 8)

Sign up:

1. Puckin Drunk (IN)
2. Ehlekev
3. Socalchiro
4. Frank M
5. Doc Tax
6. LM Bombers (IN)
7. Geekor
8. Errormagnate
9. Free Radicals
10. Rjoh
11. Bo Dean
12. Sirguru


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Postby Sknsfan » Thu May 17, 2007 3:58 pm

Sounds very interesting!! Put me down for 1st alternate please!

1. Puckin Drunk (IN)
2. Ehlekev
3. Socalchiro
4. Frank M
5. Doc Tax
6. LM Bombers (IN)
7. Geekor
8. Errormagnate
9. Free Radicals
10. Rjoh
11. Bo Dean
12. Sirguru


1. Sknsfan
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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu May 17, 2007 4:05 pm

Good to have you guys,

I haven't talked to several of the guys above so there will most likely be several open spots.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Thu May 17, 2007 4:11 pm

1. Puckin Drunk (IN)
2. Ehlekev
3. Socalchiro
4. Frank M
5. Doc Tax
6. LM Bombers (IN)
7. Geekor
8. Errormagnate
9. Free Radicals
10. Rjoh
11. Bo Dean
12. Sirguru


1. Sknsfan
2. freshmeat
Puckin Drunk

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Postby BOBBYTHOMPSON » Thu May 17, 2007 4:52 pm

1. Puckin Drunk (IN)
2. Ehlekev
3. Socalchiro
4. Frank M
5. Doc Tax
6. LM Bombers (IN)
7. Geekor
8. Errormagnate
9. Free Radicals
10. Rjoh
11. Bo Dean - (IN)
12. Sirguru


1. Sknsfan
2. freshmeat
Puckin Drunk

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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu May 17, 2007 5:16 pm

1. Puckin Drunk (IN)
2. Ehlekev
3. Socalchiro
4. Frank M
5. Doc Tax
6. LM Bombers (IN)
7. Geekor
8. Errormagnate
9. Free Radicals
10. Rjoh
11. Bo Dean - (IN)
12. Sirguru


1. Sknsfan
2. freshmeat

Glad to have you back Bo
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Postby visick » Thu May 17, 2007 5:24 pm

1. Puckin Drunk (IN)
2. Ehlekev
3. Socalchiro (IN)
4. Frank M (IN)
5. Doc Tax
6. LM Bombers (IN)
7. Geekor
8. Errormagnate
9. Free Radicals
10. Rjoh
11. Bo Dean - (IN)
12. Sirguru


1. Sknsfan
2. freshmeat

Just spoke to Frank and he wanted in as well. Besides, I need redemption for that deplorable team I fielded in your league Bodie.

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Postby BRADSANDBOTHE » Thu May 17, 2007 5:27 pm


You guys are gonna have to put your thinking caps on in this one, there won't be much to choose from, but know the saying.....Making lemonade out of Lemons....should be like that.

I know there are some really poor/good teams out there.....all in the luck of the draw here and of course .....whatever skill we might muster.
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