Whats wrong with this Turner team?

Whats wrong with this Turner team?

Postby dei-ink » Thu Dec 01, 2005 11:55 am

This team just cant get above 500 I thought this would be a winning team :cry: So can you tell me whats wrong with this team :?: http://fantasygames.sportingnews.com/baseball/stratomatic/2005/team/team_other.html?user_id=37341
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Relief Pitching

Postby The Turtle » Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:09 pm

its just not good ... I like some of your guys here but their combined record speaks for itself your bullpen is 3-14 ...your starters are 22-12. Mahay and Shouse are good but everyone else needs to go. I'm not sure where to cut though, I like you hitting a lot , perhaps getting a cheapere LH DH than Mike Young (perhaps a valet and giambi platoon if they are available) and moving Clayton for a less pricey SS who is a S hitter , like a Guzman. that would free up cash to change out Percival and Harper for better RP.
The Turtle
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Postby visick » Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:13 pm

I'm no expert, but here goes...

Check your splits (L/R faced). Only Schilling has seen more lefties than righties. All of your other SP's (Santana, Lilly and Mulder) have seen more righty bats than lefties. I'd look to get a RHSP that is tougher on lefties, but still decent enough vs. righty bats.
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My Two Cents.....

Postby KEVINSMITH 2 » Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:30 pm

Having played several Shea/Tropicana teams before, which is basically the same as Turner, I feel inclined to offer my two cents. First of all, Mora is killing you defensively at 3B. Move him to DH, dump Michael Young in favor of another DH. If you can't find another better suited offensive 2B or SS, then keep those since they are decent D. Overbay is good for OB only, dump him in favor of some power at 1B. Don't worry about D as long as it is not Ortiz with a 5. Basically need some power....SP is pretty good, but you are not scoring enough to win. It is maddening I know, I have had the same problem most every squad I have had in 05. Can't afford to have both, but Shea is a hitting park for LH, use it as such to win in 05 :)
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Postby tersignf » Thu Dec 01, 2005 10:34 pm

Your offense is not very balanced either. No RH power, and very susceptible to reverse RHPs.

I disagree that Turner should be treated like Shea or Safeco--there's only a 15% difference in HR chances shaded toward lefties, 55% for lefties and 40% for righties.

Did you get rid of Mora? :?: :!: :?:
Well there goes the one of the best #3 hitters against righties...in any park.

Why is Wes Helms batting so much against righties? Hopefully an injury.

Although your offense has OK stats right now, the long term trend for this offense might not be so positive, IMO based on the cards. But it depends alot on the pitchers you'll be facing in your division. Like I said, I think this offense is vulnerable in the long term.
But don't drop folks, take a look at your opponents after figuring out what kinds of pitchers can exploit you...and then weight your options accordingly.
What I didn't say is you have a nice rotation. I'm thinking you made some changes since the first post, so tough to tell overall whether positive or not. Basic agreement you don't have enough power in the lineup. Keep plugging and Good Luck!
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Postby stevep107 » Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:51 am

Not a bad looking team. Great starting pitching. Probably too much money spent on pitchers overall though.

Matsui is good value in LF but your CF and RF are weak.

Your line-up is going to be very susceptible to LHP.
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Postby dei-ink » Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:56 am

Yes I did make a few changes I traded Mora for Glavine and Blalock, Then I dumped finly and with the cash left picked up Benitez, Armando. I know I will loose offense without Mora But Im counting on this pitching staff to do well and Blalock dose have some power. As for why is Helms getting alot of at bats VS rightys is yes do to Injuries' He is my DH. VS leftys and Delgado, Wilson VS rightys. In my division I face alot of righthanders I think thats why I have an 18-9 record. Thanks for evryones thoughts any more sugestions let me know after the deals made I went 3-0 last night. :D
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