by BRADSANDBOTHE » Fri May 18, 2007 1:01 pm
Here is what I am thinking to do this afternoon so everyone knows how this will work ahead of time.
First: The list above (Final list) will be Randomized....This will give us our Divisional Assignments.
1-4 East
5-8 Central
9-12 West
If someone could post a list of the Teams in Alphabetical order, that would be a great help as well.
Once the list is in place, we can use it as a reference to the following Randomizations so everyone knows what they are getting.
2nd Randomization will be to determine which (Pitching Staffs) each of us will get. Each of us will be assigned 2 Pitching Staffs from the 30 Available. There will be 6 (Pitching Staffs) that will be undrafted for now.
3rd Randomization will be to determine which 2 (Hitting Staffs) that we will be assigned. Again leaving 6 undrafted (Hitting Staffs)
4th Randomization will include the 12 remaining staffs (6 undrafted Pitching staffs, and 6 undrafted Hitting staffs) Half will get an extra hitting staff and the other half will get an extra pitching staff to choose from.
Now Every Player will be accounted for. NO TRADING
The Fifth and Final Randomization will be run to determine which Stadium we will be assigned.
Therefore, everything about this league is RANDOM....You just do the best you can with what you are dealt. This is where the Skill comes in. Making lemonade out of Lemons.
Since No one had comments about trading before the 4th Randomization with the leftover staffs, I will assume there is no problem with just assigning them randomly and just go with it.
Also no one had any comments on assigning 2 Stadiums to choose from over just being assigned one, I will assume this is ok as well.
If you have a comment please state it. After we are done (which will take less time than to write this) You will have the players to make your team from. You own your players and no one else can lay claim to them.
Once you fill out your staff and during the season you want to change, you can mix and match your players all you want as long as they belong to you.
This league will be Called "Mystery Mush '07" and once we determine divisional assignments and teams, The East can set up the league and determine a Password.
League should be set up as 80M DH 5/10/20 FA Drop ----Advanced
Should be a lot of fun
Any comments or questions, please post below and we will try to address them immediately.
Speak now or forever hold your peace.