Game engine upgrade for Monday, 5/21

Game engine upgrade for Monday, 5/21

Postby bernieh » Fri May 18, 2007 11:12 am

[b:0f5e266921]Edit, 5/22:[/b:0f5e266921] First of all, a display bug seems to have slipped through the cracks during Monday night's debut of the game engine upgrade. This resulted in some ballpark HR chances being misreported as ballpark singles ("bpSI") in the play-by-plays. Rest assured that this is simply a display issue, and that the game results were not affected in any way. We will have this fixed going forward.

Secondly, for you board-game vets who are used to seeing all failed ballpark single chances result in lineouts - you will now see them result in a variety of other outs (flyouts, popouts, groundouts, etc.) as a result of the "Improve Out Distribution" Maximum Rule, as per the CD-ROM game.

Other than the aforementioned display bug I hope the new, more detailed play-by-play report adds to your enjoyment of the game.


This Monday, 5/21, the game engine that plays all games nightly for SOM 2007 will be upgraded with a number of improvements and bug fixes. These changes will take effect starting with games played that night (Monday night/Tuesday morning).

[b:0f5e266921]Play-by-play report upgrade[/b:0f5e266921]*
The display that details each play of each game (underneath the game's boxscore) will include even more information than before, including:
- the fielder the ball was hit to (e.g. "Single (LF)", "Ground Out (SS)")
- whether the play was an X-chart result (e.g. "fly(CF)x", "catch-x")
- whether the play was a ballpark single or homerun chance (e.g. "bpHR 1-8")

[b:0f5e266921]Don't Steal means DON'T STEAL[/b:0f5e266921]
The individual player checkbox option labelled "Don't Steal" was not strict enough for some managers' liking. Its function will be changed so that if you apply it to a player of yours, he will literally never attempt to steal (unless he's the back end of a double steal). Consequently, the option label will be changed to "Never Steal".

[b:0f5e266921]Fix: Pitchers' Hitting Cards[/b:0f5e266921]
Pitchers' at bats were not being handled correctly 100% of the time. This upgrade ensures that the correct Pitchers' Hitting Card is used whenever a pitcher takes his turn at bat.

[b:0f5e266921]Fix: Injuries to high PA/IP players[/b:0f5e266921]
This upgrade ensures that the following injury rules are upheld:
Hitters who had a AB+BB total of 680+ in real-life cannot get injured for more than the remainder of a game. Hitters who otherwise had 600+ AB+BB's cannot get injured for more than 3 games. Pitchers who pitched 300+ innings cannot get injured for more than the remainder of a game. Pitchers who otherwise pitched 200+ innings cannot get injured for more than 3 games.

[b:0f5e266921]Fix: Lineup order resulting from injury to #1 or #2 hitter[/b:0f5e266921]
Occasionally, when your leadoff or #2 hitter got injured, the batting order of your resulting lineup turned out to be less than strategically optimal. This upgrade should improve this.

* We will not be able to show die rolls in the near term. The code we are working with was not designed to show them in end-of-game reports, and patching it to do so would be a significant endeavor. We will not rule this out for the longer term, though.

** This weekend I'll be conducting tests to see how easily this upgrade can be applied to ATG III, '70s, 1969 and '80s. I'm optimistic that we can implement them to these other games within the next week but I'm not making any promises. Appopriate announcements will be made when the time comes.
Last edited by bernieh on Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Ninersphan » Fri May 18, 2007 11:49 am


Thanks for continuing to listen to your customers and striving to make us happy. Gotta be a little like running an asylum, I'd think, but I appreciate the effort.
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Postby Simon31 » Fri May 18, 2007 12:08 pm

[quote:00bc7a9eed]Gotta be a little like running an asylum,[/quote:00bc7a9eed]

"Everybody goes a little crazy sometimes!" --Norman Bates :wink:
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Postby Sknsfan » Fri May 18, 2007 12:27 pm




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Postby PIZZAZZ » Fri May 18, 2007 1:02 pm

Yes, I am a sophomore, but i hope not [b:1dc0501249][i:1dc0501249]sophomoric[/i:1dc0501249][/b:1dc0501249]

[i:1dc0501249]the fielder the ball was hit to (e.g. "Single (LF)", "Ground Out (SS)")
- whether the play was an X-chart result (e.g. "fly(CF)x", "catch-x") [/i:1dc0501249]

....So, does that also mean that a X-chart HIT would display...
like a "DO**-X(RF)"...would give us perspective on def liabilities!

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Postby Stoney18 » Fri May 18, 2007 1:11 pm

Mucho Thanks Bernie. We all appreciate the work you do to enhance SOM.
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Postby bomberny50 » Fri May 18, 2007 2:11 pm

ALL upgrades sound great thanks :)
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Postby traderj » Fri May 18, 2007 2:51 pm

Excellent Bernie, all upgrades are definitely appreciated, Thank you. :D
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Postby Roscodog » Fri May 18, 2007 3:21 pm

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Postby Page2 » Fri May 18, 2007 5:00 pm


Could a player steal even if he is checked don't steal as part of a missed hit and run?

Thanks for the improvements.

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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


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