Team Experiement Comments Welcome

Postby drew6013 » Thu May 17, 2007 11:45 pm

You perfer a 3 in Cf as opposed to a 3 in corners. I was under the impression CF was more important. Whats your thought process on that?
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Postby keyzick » Fri May 18, 2007 6:06 am

Based on the results the board version of SOM has on the fielding chart for a 3 in CF vs the corners. I'm assuming it works the same on the TSN version. Basically, the hits (ie, not as many extra base hits) given up by a 3 in CF aren't as damaging as in the corners...I'm assuming because in the corners it could rattle around near the foul pole with no backup, but in CF one of the other outfielders would back up the play.

Actually, regardless, my thought is solely based on the board game equivalent. In reality, I'd rather have a very mobile (ie, 1 rated) CF, but doesn't translate to the board game.

Course, that's my memory of the board game. If someone writes to tell me I'm wrong about the fielding charts, then I've been screwing myself in my leagues... :oops:
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Postby drew6013 » Fri May 18, 2007 12:07 pm

Thanks for the explanation.
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Postby durantjerry » Fri May 18, 2007 2:17 pm

Your memory may or may not be correct, but the chances of the ball being hit to the CF"X" are higher than that of an "X" chance to one of the corners spots, therefore the defense in CF is more important.
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Postby drew6013 » Sat May 19, 2007 4:21 am

more important because more balls are hit there (cf) may not translate to more important because of the amount a bases that can be taken (corner outfield) .
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