Round 2, League 5 - Big Spenders League Starts June 4 or 11

the official tournament of SOM Baseball 20xx

Postby childsmwc » Fri May 25, 2007 2:29 am

1. Mr Groundhog
2. ajbke5
3. dadnsam
4 albert2b
5. gstanis Yankee Stadium
6. idcidn
7. genevajack
8. Loobee
9. bluethree
10. Bbrool
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Postby stevep107 » Fri May 25, 2007 3:30 am

1. Mr Groundhog
2. ajbke5
3. dadnsam
4 albert2b
5. gstanis Yankee Stadium
6. idcidn
7. genevajack
8. Loobee
9. bluethree
10. Bbrool
11. stevep107
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Postby FRANKWAELTERMANN » Fri May 25, 2007 7:55 am

1. Mr Groundhog
2. ajbke5
3. dadnsam
4 albert2b
5. gstanis Yankee Stadium
6. idcidn
7. genevajack
8. Loobee
9. bluethree
10. Bbrool
11. stevep107
12 WARRIOR0510
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Draft order and divisional assignments

Postby teepack » Fri May 25, 2007 11:25 am

1. Mr Groundhog - 839
2. ajbke5 - 293
3. dadnsam - 522
4 albert2b - 674
5. gstanis - 439
6. idcidn - 785
7. genevajack - 859
8. Loobee - 407
9. bluethree - 579
10. Bbrool - 591
11. stevep107 - 743
12 WARRIOR0510 - 306

1. Mr Groundhog - 839
4 albert2b - 674
7. genevajack - 859
10. Bbrool - 591

2. ajbke5 - 293
5. gstanis - 439
8. Loobee - 407
11. stevep107 - 743

3. dadnsam - 522
6. idcidn - 785
9. bluethree - 579
12 WARRIOR0510 - 306

Good luck!

Since this is a holiday weekend, there will be no clock on the draft. But please pay attention to the boards if you can and make your picks.
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Postby DBROWN » Fri May 25, 2007 12:07 pm

Turner Field. dB
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Postby gstanis » Fri May 25, 2007 1:13 pm

This is auto darft correct? or are we going to a live draft?
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Postby Loobee » Fri May 25, 2007 1:30 pm

I believe this to be a auto-draft and that you can use any park you wish as long as it is not the one you used for the first event !!! Thats if I am getting the rules correctly
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Postby bluethree » Fri May 25, 2007 4:14 pm

[quote:304ea81254="gstanis"]This is auto darft correct? or are we going to a live draft?[/quote:304ea81254]

auto-draft but we're drafting stadiums.

teepack forgot to reorder the names. This is the stadium draft order:

1. ajbke5 - 293 (Turner Field)
2. WARRIOR0510 - 306
3. Loobee - 407
4 gstanis - 439
5. dadnsam - 522
6. bluethree - 579
7. Bbrool - 591
8. albert2b - 674
9. stevep107 - 743
10. idcidn - 785
11. Mr Groundhog - 839
12 genevajack - 859

WARRIOR is up.
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Postby Loobee » Fri May 25, 2007 5:28 pm

I got the following rules right off the Tours web page.

X. Ballpark Requirement

Managers will be required to play in a different ballpark for each Event of the Tournament Schedule, INCLUDING the Championship League. You may not pick the same park twice. If you do pick a park that you have used before, you will be fined 25 points off your total. In addition, all leagues will require unique ballparks (i.e. two managers in the same league can’t use the same ballpark) with the exception of the two autodraft leagues.

The last line says we can have duplicate parks. I am just a bit confused on the rules. :? :?:
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Everyone can pick his own stadium.

Postby genevajack » Fri May 25, 2007 6:33 pm

Pretty clear from the rules-since this is an autodraft league.
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