
Postby CATom » Sun May 27, 2007 7:07 pm

I admit - Barry isn't the most likable player, never has been. He grew up with the hype - his dad, Willie Mays and the rest. I believe he never trusted the media! -- BUT --
756 - thats what i'll be appauding! 756, baby! Just like I would have applauded Mr. Roger Maris in 1961 for number 61! just like I would have applauded Mr. Henry Aaaron in, was it 1973?, for number 715. History baby, history. Plus knowing I had the honor of watching Mr. Bonds play, still think he is the greatest player I have ever seen! So, nasayers, don't watch him - don't congratulate him, don't accept his accomplishments - just don't continue to dog the man - maybe there is a little racism involved (as much as I hate to even consider that) - didn't hear any of this whinning in, what was it - 1998 - when McGwire and Sosa were chasing 61......Oh yeah, WE DIDN'T know much about steriods then (except they were NOT illegal) -- just thought they and Jose worked out alot :) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Oh, yeah - now WE whine about them --- NOW (but NOT when they were saving the game we all love)!!! :lol: Oh-- and Pete Rose did bet on sports (anyone here that hasn't)? so I guess he doesn't deserve the "HOF", either? Does anyone think he really threw a game? As a player OR a manager?

800 - Barry!

BTW - OJ IS A FREE man, aquitted by a jury of his peers -- BUT I guess we are all right and THEY were all wrong!!! GO OH SAINTFUL ONES!!

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Postby Roscodog » Sun May 27, 2007 7:28 pm

I think Pete Rose and Shoeless Joe Jackson should both be in the Hall Of Fame. It's a farce to not have the all time hits leader in the HOF. I know this isn't the forum to be discussing this on but since the thread is already started we might as well finish it. IF you're going to punish Rose for gambling on baseball, what would happen if a guy who is already in the hall was found do have gambled as well. For example waht if it turns out Hank Aaron bet on baseball and we find this out tomorrow, are they going to kick him out?
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Postby Play By The Rules » Sun May 27, 2007 8:37 pm

So sorry, but there will never be a player the equal of one George Herman Ruth, he was one of the best left handed starting pitchers in history in addition to his work with the bat.

Innocent until proven guilty is right, God Bless America for that, but his time will come. The federal government is hellbent on convicting him, and sooner or later someone will roll over on him. Sad but true.

And by the way, Bonds' stats as a Pirate may have been impressive in the regular season, but in the playoffs he was a monumental bust. So of what use was he REALLY to the Pirates organization?
Play By The Rules
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Postby CATom » Mon May 28, 2007 7:12 pm

will be MY last post in this forum! I watched "61" last night - they made reference to when Babe Ruth broke the single season record - said it was widely "BOOED" by the average fan and disowned by the media! Said for years no one would accept him as the NEW HR King! How 'bout Maris in 1961? He was booed in New York! Said he wasn't a Yankee! MAN - he almost went bald - made him put an asterick by his name! And Aaron? Death threats? Said he wasn't white! WOW - and McGwire? cheered the whole season he and Sosa chased Maris (and saved baseball), BUT now disgraced! WOW - are we a group (country) that is so confused we can't accept reality? P A T H E T I C is all I can say. God bless all the record setters, OLD AND NEW (Mr. Bonds included, and I hope Sammy becomes #5 on the 600 list)! Good night Gracie,

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Postby Roscodog » Mon May 28, 2007 9:01 pm

who held the record before RUTH? When I think baseball, the Babe always seems like the beginning(even though it was around for years before he started).
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Tue May 29, 2007 12:01 pm

First, Bonds* has admitted to taking steroids. He just claims he did not know they were steroids. He said he thought his trainer was giving him flaxseed oil and a pain-relieving balm for his arthritis.

[b:181dc75b0f]Now, simply put, Bonds* isn’t the baseball player that Ruth was, nor did he have the impact on the game that Ruth did.[/b:181dc75b0f]

1. Let’s not forget that Ruth was in the process of establishing himself as a Hall of Fame pitcher before he became a slugger. Bonds* could never have matched the Babe on the mound because Bonds* could barely make average throws from the outfield!!!

2. Bonds* postseason numbers overall don’t measure up to Ruth: .245 average, 9 homers, 24 RBI in 48 games, with a slugging percentage of .503. And much of that was polished by his one breakout 2002 postseason. Ruth batted a whopping .326 in 41 World Series games, with 15 home runs, 33 RBI and a slugging percentage of .744.

3. After years of [b:181dc75b0f]pitching[/b:181dc75b0f] Ruth led the American League in home runs 12 times and in slugging percentage 13 times.

4. Bonds* hit a record 73 home runs in 2001. But that was a career anomaly and most certainly achieved through enhancement. He had never hit more than 49 before or after that. Ruth hit 60 home runs in 1927. But he hit 50 or more three other times, and 40 or more seven other times.

5. Bonds has a chip on his shoulder and is bad for baseball. Ruth was a likeable guy.

Go to for the complete story.
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Postby davydrums » Tue May 29, 2007 3:39 pm

You are forgetting the Elephant in Ruth's living room,all white baseball.At least Aaron played against the best.One could argue that the best players in the WORLD play in the majors now.What do you guess the percentage drop in Ruth's #s would be if he had to face the best atheletes in the world then? Would 60 perhaps be 52?Bonds is dislikable and black and tainted.How will they crucify the next Home Run King?
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Postby BRIANSIELSKI » Wed May 30, 2007 2:44 pm

[quote:1451ce4757][b:1451ce4757]Bonds is dislikable and black and tainted.How will they crucify the next Home Run King?[/b:1451ce4757][/quote:1451ce4757]

I think that’s sad. Are you saying that Bonds* is “dislikable” and being singled out because he is black? You didn’t say it directly, but I get the read that you feel everyone that criticizes Bonds* is a racist. I don’t dislike Bonds* because he is black. I dislike him because of the questions surrounding his phenomenal physical growth in the late 90s and how the “record” could be tainted through “better” chemistry. There will always be an asterisk next to his name and record.

If it was your intent to discredit my opinion (and others) through the specter of racism ... then that is as deplorable as racism itself.

(If that is not your intent, I hope you can clarify it for us.)

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