by HUDAMAN » Fri Jun 01, 2007 1:11 pm
FWIW (since I seem to be getting beaten up alot lately):
Get Pierre out of the two slot against lefties. Aurilia would be better there, and you've got him hitting fifth with a really bad clutch rating. I'd take advantage of the fairly low DPs on his card and move him to second. Pierre is just a singles hitter who probably gets stuck behind Abreu and can't steal any bases because of it.
I don't think you have a good five hitter for lefties, actually, which is a bit problematic, but Kielty would seem to be a better fit than Aurilia, although his clutch is god awful as well.
That moves Pierre down, but not out, which would be the best thing, getting a CF who has even a little pop and at least a 0 arm would help.
Switch Ortiz and Pujols. Ortiz isn't a good average hitter but hits more HR, Pujols makes more sense at three than Ortiz.
Also, although the splits don't show it, it sure seems like you're vulnerable to RHP, with Pudge and Aurilia and Pierre all better against lefties. Other than Ibanez, you don't really have a righty killer, and you are seeing a ton of righthanded pitching, the split is very high.
My two cents, which is worth at this point about .0075..... :shock: